Rimfire Scoring Programs



ARA – RBA – IR50/50 - Scoring Programs
I spent the last week cleaning up the New Versions of the Scoring Programs.
Using some input I received and better graphics the Award Print looks a lot better.
I printed one out and put it in a Wally World frame and it looks as good as some of the Plaques that were hanging next to it.
Here is a sample of what the RBA/IR look like. http://www.rimfirebenchrest.com/misc/rba.html
So I decided to incorporate the Award print in the new versions of the scoring program. This works a lot better than the Plug In version.
It would be appreciated if a few people would download these new versions and run some tests on them to see if any problems surface. I have spent a few hours testing but sometimes different users and or computers will find a problem that did not show up in my testing.
In testing if you see anything unusual please get hold of me so I can fix it!
The RBA and IR 50/50 Version 3A can be downloaded here:
The ARA Version 3 Test can be downloaded from this page:


Note: Fred just found an error on the Award in the ARA version. It has been fixed with Ver 3 dated 5/19. Thanks Fred
Bill Just found a Format error that has been in the ARA program since Day 1! Thanks Bill
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It would help me if I had a few volunteers to test Ver 5A of the RBA / IR50/50 Scoring program.

I also have 2 nice Dell Laptops if anyone is looking for a Scoring Computer.
Both have Windows XP Pro and MSFT Office 2003 Pro.
They have 1 GB of memory, good batteries and internal WiFi for wireless Internet & Email.
(Email your match results on the way home from the Match)
One even has over 6 months of Dell Complete Care Warranty remaining.
Email – PM or Call me if interested.


This new version finally works on my computer. This will make Elizabeth happy for sure. What ever you did thanks.
Scoring Programs

Hey Doug, I have been using the programs and seem to be doing OK. Now with the new versions, will I have to redo the competitors and other input that stays in the programs? I have several shooters that are not on your standard list. I really appreciate what you have done for the match reporting for MDs and the award program looked good even without the better version. Thanks for all your work. Gene Davis
A couple of days ago I guessed that a lot of people would want to update to the newer versions of the Scoring programs to get the Awards feature.
I wrote a brief instructions on how to move your Shooters and their Equip to updated versions. (Not the greatest Instructions but a couple of people said it worked)
Go to the bottom of theis page and you will see a link to move pages.
If you have any problems just email me a copy of your latest program and I will move your Shooters and their Equip to the latest version and send it back.
Both of my Award versions are being tested at this time but they seem to be stable so go ahead and play with them.
If I find any Major Bugs I will post it here and email anyone who has contacted me.
The Version numbers will stay the change unless I make any major update. For minor updates I will change the date.
The latest Versions for RBA/IR50 is Ver5A Dated 5/20 and ARA Ver 3 dated 5/20.
If you do not have the latest ARA version then I would get that for sure. The ones I did last week had some format and code errors that the testers found.
So far no errors in the Scoring part have been found only in the Awards section.
Paste Special is on the Edit Menu. You might have to expand your edit Menu by clicking on the down arrows at the bottom of the menu.
When you click on Paste Special you will see Values as an option. Click on Values and Ok. On some versions of excel you will find Paste Special right clicking with your mouse in the cell where you want to paste.

Excel is one program everyone should learn. It will do more than any one program that MSFT or Apple has written. A simple Spread Sheet can be used to write a document, make a great resume, create an address book, or even a shopping list as well as doing anything with numbers that you can imagine.
One example is my family Christmas card list. We send out about 150 cards every year.
What used to take a day or two now only takes an hour or two to print all the envelopes mistake free.
Do a Home Inventory. (Include Pictures)
Rifle and Ammo inventory & tracking.
Track your Expenses (Fill out a Company Expense Report on Their Form)
Make an Outline
Organize Income Taxes.
Track Investments.
Make a Calendar.
Convert English to Metric
Fahrenheit to Centigrade
Dollar to Euro to Peso etc

I recommend Excel 2000 or 2003 – Not 2007!
Learn It and You Will Love IT!:D
Adding equipment

Sometimes when I need to add to the lookup table, the new entry does not show up in the dropdown list on the equipment page. I find if I replace one of the "unknown" "other" or "Add scope" then it will show up.
Fred the Equipment lists are limited in size. I tried to include 95% of benchrest capable equipment. The Other, Add, Unknown are meant to be replaced with other equipment.
The Gunsmith one has the most entries and only room to add 3.
So my guess that is where you have problems.
I can expand these if there is a requirement?

All the Dell laptops have been sold. I just got an older IBM Thinkpad that is in like new condition. CD /DVD and it has a new install of Win 2000 Pro and Word & Excell 2003.
Nothing Fancy. $95 plus shipping. If anyone is interested get hold of me.
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