Rimfire Questions


New member
#1 Is it practical to set back and rechamber a 22? It has several k rounds
and shoots good at club level.

Thanks Jim M
Any time you are willing to have this type of machine work is being thought about a vary careful evaluation of the barrel is needed. Remember it costs as much to put a new barrel on, as having this work done.
I had mine set back and rechambered this season to limp by until I could afford a new barrel. Call it wasted money or not it did bring the gun to a higher level than without it. A new barrel would have been better but I will have that done this winter. The labor cost would be different on a set back if you didn't need it re-crowned.

If the throat / leade angle is eroded but the barrel is in good shape otherwise setting it back will freshen it up and bring it back alive. But as someone said, the cost is the same because setting it back and rechambering it is about the same amount of work. And, if you're doing that, maky as well recrown it, not that big of a deal to crown it while the doing the other work.