Rifling methods


New member
Button rifled,Cut Rifled ??? If their both hand lapped what difference does it make? Ok so they think button rifled are stressed? Does that amount to any thing?:confused:
Cut and Button rifling

Button rifled,Cut Rifled ??? If their both hand lapped what difference does it make? Ok so they think button rifled are stressed? Does that amount to any thing?:confused:

Most if not all makers stress relieved Button or Cut.... Stress shouldn't be an issue..I guess..:rolleyes:

One big difference between the two is:
Cut Rifled can cut just about any twist rate and height or Depth of the grooves... It's all in the set-up
Button rifleing requires a specific button for each caliber for EACH specific twist rate for EACH land height.

Control of twist rate:
Cut rifling does have an advantage here. Very precise control over the entire rifling twist length of a barrel.....
The Button rifled barrel. The button can "slide" and impart slight twist rate variables down a given barrel.

Advantage of Button over Cut rifling...
Well some say that you take two barrels with same quality steel, same num of lands/grooves and chambered to same chamber/shot the same amount.
The Button will last a tad longer due to the button process hardening of the surface of the bore. I'm not sure ... They both seem to fire check just as quickly to me...;):eek:

Button rifling can be produced very quickly less labor... Lot me labor intensive cutting a barrels rifling..........

Lotta HOF shooters use both... I like a really good barrel no matter how the rifling is made...!!!!!!!!!

One thing, we shooters a REALLY blessed that there are several barrel makers who's products are WORLD CLASS!