RF Benchrested Silhouette



Anyone doing this?

We have talked about this and I gave it a try yesterday. We first shot 1/2 scale animals out to 175 yards and they were just too easy, even shooting the chicken at 175 yards. Then we tried 1/5 scale: chicken at 100 yards pig at 125 yards; turkey at 150 yards; and, ram at 175 yards.

I am thinking that our Club might give this a try as it seems to be a real fun match. We will have to wait until we can get a set of 1/5 scale RF swingers - I sure did not have fuin walking 350 yards to reset the rams.

1/5 scale out to 200 yards . . .

We started rimfire metallic silhouette last year on 1/5th scale NRA animals. We have a lot of local RF BR shooters at our club, but the silhouette thing has not been as popular is I had hoped. Never more than 9 shooters in any of the matches so far.

We get 15 to 30 shooters in our regular USBR/Rimfire Central matches.

Perhaps our problem is the Rams at 200. Some scopes won't go up to 200 yards. Perhaps we should bring the rams in closer.

Seems our shooters do not want the trouble of resetting zeros to the shorter ranges after shooting Rams at 200 yards.
Here is our club flier, promoting the Silhouette matches.

I shoot at 200 yards with a 22lr. It's a simple matter of putting 4 shims cut from any aluminum can under the rear scope mount to scope to raise the scope P.O.I. I hope this helps. ifldned
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Joe, thanks for the insight. We shoot a monthly 200 yard RF bullseye match so we have a lot of shooters already with 22RF rifles set up for that distance. It has proven to be very challenging due to ammo limitations in that the ammo has a tendency to shoot 1 or 2 out of the group unexpectedly - no matter what we shoot. Wind maybe? I don't know but I think it is ammo as the BR guys are reporting similar problems.

Tuco Tom, I am using a 6.5x20 Leupold with target dot.

As far as elevation adjustments for 200 yards, it is in the neighborhood of 28 MOA up from a 40 meter(1/5th scale chicken silhouette for regulation matches) zero.

So it does indeed need some sort of scope "slope" help to get a target scope to be able to zero in at that range. I have just put a BKL drop compensation base/ring combo on my SAKO and it allows me to shoot with elevation changes available to shoot the chickens at 40 meters all the way out to 200 meters with a center hold. Here is a link: http://www.bkltech.com/1x4x0_6_DC_007_Scope_Rings_Unitized_Dovetail_p/bkl-260d7.htm Prior to getting this base/ring combo I was having to use 8 pieces of a Coke as shims can to get enough elevation.

We are trying different rules this year . . .

A couple of our club members come up with a new idea for our RF metallic silhouette matches this year. We have tried this on our first two matches, but it has not attracted the shooters we had hoped for.

We zeroed in two unlimited rifles for the longer distances and let each of our shooters use them at the rams and turkeys. We made that a separate class. Called it the Unlimited - Vintage Smallbore Class.

Then on the chickens and pigs we limited the rifles to Factory Sporters and Semi-Autos: Not more than 8.5 lbs. Scope not more than 24 power, Blue Book value not more than $500 in 100% or "New In Box" codition. Same as the Sporter Class rules we use on Rimfire Central, except we allow Match Grade ammo in both classes.

We'll continue this 2 Class system for our September & October matches. If it does not pull in the shooters, we'll try somthing else next year.

For compairison: We had 9 metallic silhouette shooters last Saturday and 30 for our USBR match on Sunday. We put Signature rings on the two Ulimited Class rifles. I think part of our problem is trying to talk 28 more shooters into shimming their rear scope rings. The Signature rings are expensive, and to shim the rear base really requires lapping the saddles. If you don't do that, you run the risk of bending the scope tube.
