

Clint Swigert from Shooting for Perfections has offered a $100.00 reward for the first person to shoot a perfect 2500 in an ARA sanctioned match certified by the ARA office using a 10/22 style rifle, and ABRA is adding another $50.00 on top of Clint's. It is going to be an interesting year, news flash, Jack Harper and Les Williams have both added $50 each bring the Grand Total to $250 .another news flash Luke Restivo co owner of ABRA is putting up $50 if its shot with LAPUA TOTAL is up to a possible $3oo LOOKING GOOD! ------- Just in! Our reward or bounty has just turned into $500.00 A person who wanted to remain anonymous has graciously added $200.00 to the pot. FOR A GRAND TOTAL OF $500.00 FOR THE SHOOTER WHO IS ABLE TO SHOOT A 2500 WITH A 10/22 STYLE RIFLE.

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Maybe Clint & ABRA would include a 250 in IR50/50 Match??
State, Regional or National????
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How about fattening the pot some.

A few weeks ago I would have said that this is impossible. Experience shooting and watching ABRA has changed my mind. I still believe that the best 22 semiautomatic will be at a handicap against the best bolt action but it might happen in a year or two.

I think that wager should include a 250 in 50/50. I would like to see this happen in any registered match. Maybe we should add some of the proceeds from ABRA matchs to that pot to make it more fun.

By the way, we in San Angelo are enjoying Joe Chacon's ABRA (Automatic Benchrest Association), as well as, ARA.

Concho Bill

I have never seen or shot and IR 50/50 card, I guess I am going to have to get a couple and see how easy or how hard it is. If you got a few send me some, and I will shot them, then let you know.

Hey guys there is another $100.00 available for the first person to shoot a 2500 ARA target at Piney Hill.

This $100.00 was put up by Tim Miller at the last ARA match. It remains available until won.

If you come to the Big Mid January, Piney Hill Luray, Va. shoot you will have 16 tries to win it.

4 card match Friday night 16 Jan.

6 card State ARA tournament Saturday, 17 Jan.

6 card Bill Myers memorial tournament 18 Jan.

Come out and show us what you got.


PS: There also Jackets for the tournament winners and a Pullover for the Champ of Champs winner (Highest overall agg. for all three matches).


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I have never seen or shot and IR 50/50 card, I guess I am going to have to get a couple and see how easy or how hard it is. If you got a few send me some, and I will shot them, then let you know.

Joe, It is probably a little easier to score a 250 on a 50/50 card but then the x count becomes the factor. It is what you get used to. I prefer the 50/50 because it is counted on the high edge and is just more logical to my fuzzy way of thinking but I will shoot the target of the friends I shoot with. I think that all I have is shot targets but I will check and see.


I will have to get some and play with them, sounds very interesting. I just love shooting and being competitive BUT it must be fun. getting young people involved is my goal and bring new life into this Great sport of RimFire.
If I knew the diameter of the ABRA 10-ring, I might be able to make some comparisons and calculate the probability of perfect scores on the ABRA, IR50, and ARA targets.

If I knew the diameter of the ABRA 10-ring, I might be able to make some comparisons and calculate the probability of perfect scores on the ABRA, IR50, and ARA targets.

Landy, The Automatic Bench Rest target, which Joe designed, is easier than the ARA target because it was meant to be shot with simi-automatic .22 rimfire rifles. The 10 ring is very small to make a perfect score very difficult. Joe can give you the information you seek.

We are all surprised at how well some of these tricked out rifles are shooting. There are two classes: unliminited and factory.

Concho Bill
If I knew the diameter of the ABRA 10-ring, I might be able to make some comparisons and calculate the probability of perfect scores on the ABRA, IR50, and ARA targets.


This would be fantastic, hoping Joe gets back with those dimensions...
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That's all I need and I'll try and take a closer look in the next couple of days....unless it interrupts my viewing of the college Bowl games! LOL
First thing I need to do is get a tractor started in -10 deg temps to move some snow and then shovel my walks.


According to Joe's Website Competitor's listings...

Joe is averaging a 191.3 AGG out of a possible 200...Across 30 Targets.

That is some pretty decent accuracy, will be curious to see Landy's specs and how it all works out.
Benchrest shooting with a simi-auto .22

This is something that can get more new shooters out to the range and into competitive shooting. Anyone who shoots a rifle probably has one or can get one. This is perfect for a youth class.

I urge you to contact Joe Chacon and find out the details. We have just started this year. Our club in San Angelo is shooting ARA and ABRA and we are having a lot of interest with new shooters.

We intent to keep out ARA. We realize that our ARA rigs scare off prospective new shooters. This new game is not beyond the reach of most.

I have just bought a Ruger 10/22 Target. After bedding it and topping it with a Weaver T-36 I have found it has a potential I had never expected. Compared to some of the rigs I have seen, mine is just a starter. That is why we have difference classes.

Bill Wynne
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What REWARD Is Up To Now

I will clarify what we are up to in the reward.
Clint Swigert from shooting for perfection $100
Auto Bench Rest Association $50
Auto Bench rest Association if shot with LAPUA ammo $50
Luke Restivo Co-Owner of ABRA shot with LAPUA ammo $50
Anonymous Contributor $200
Jack Harper Supporter of ARA and ABRA $50
Les Williams Supporter of ARA and ABRA $50
Mike Termite has contributed a 10/22 bench rest style stock value $600
Fred Jamison supporter of ARA and ABRA $50
Bill Wynne supporter of ARA and ABRA $50
Winfield supporter of ARA $1500 for 2015 ARA season only
TOTAL comes to $2,750 in cash and prices for the first person to shoot a 2500 on a ARA target in a sanctioned club match or tournament using a 10/22 style rifle and target must be certified by ARA headquarters

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