I have been using Larry Blackmon's mighty mite press for swaging .308 115 gr bullets for a couple of years. During that time we have had problems with the pivot pin stretching and finally breaking repeatedly. I've recently converted the process to a rock chucker and am having much more consistent results.
However, I have quite a few bullets (1000+) that vary in length as much as 30 thousanths. I've found that all lengths shoot very well as long as they are sorted & segregated, but that is a real PIA. I'm wondering if I can run these through again and get anywhere near consistent lengths? Has anyone tried this?
However, I have quite a few bullets (1000+) that vary in length as much as 30 thousanths. I've found that all lengths shoot very well as long as they are sorted & segregated, but that is a real PIA. I'm wondering if I can run these through again and get anywhere near consistent lengths? Has anyone tried this?