Results: USARB Benchrest 25 meter Southern Michigan Gun Club, Mattawan August 7 2021



Yesterday morning we held our August 7th USARB 25 meter air rifle Benchrest match at Southern Michigan Gun Club. The weather man had us down for a chance of rain all morning but as it turns out that happened overnight, and was cleared up by the time we got to the club. I generally open the gates at 8 am in preparation for the Benchrest matches. Yesterday when we arrived they were already open, and there were other shooters at other parts of the range, which is good for the club. It means that one of the top clubs in Michigan certainly for Airguns is also getting good use for the other sports represented.

We have been on an all summer long course of preparations for the upcoming Great Lakes Invitational, and yesterday we had few things to get done before and after the regular match. As it turns out, some of our members are also making improvements with their practice and their equipments also for this upcoming “Main Event”. We got the things done we needed to and started singing people up for the days match. I had a chance to chat with Tim Bunch, and Chris Martin as we laid out the plans for the upcoming Match, and Im glad to sewed have full club support in this. When I was searching throughout Michigan for clubs that were "Benchrest Friendly”, "Airgun Friendly”, and wanted to see growth, and promote growth, SMGC was the main place that met those criteria. I’m happy to be able to help here and promote Benchrest as a sport for this club and the Airgun community of shooters. I could see yesterday morning that we were getting lots of shooters ready to start the match so I quickly and quietly broke from Chris Martin and Tim to get these Guys and Gals started for their day. I’m thankful that Chris and Tim are rounding up shooters from other disciplines to help me run our Event. In all we ended up with 17 shooters most of whom shot both morning and afternoon. Yesterday was the best attendance I’ve seen yet at this club, and we also had some very good scores, some of the best I’ve seen at an outdoor 25 meter match.

One of our top shooters, Joe Chapman, claims to have found some “Magic” batch of pellet that fit best with his rifle. He was shooting his RAW in the HV division, and he had the top scores that Ive seen him shoot, and also he had better scores than one of our other Top shooters that was having a terrific day with his FX Impact in Open class, Ryan Parks. Congrats to both as they really have a good handle on things. Joe Chapman did manage to also shoot a perfect 250 target for which I owe him one of the coveted 250 stickers. I don’t hand many of these out. Below will be the full match scores, but within the score some mentions should be made that some of our regular shooters shot their best scores yesterday, Tom Evans, Eric Simmons, Francis Becigneul, Greg Vaughan, and Vern Bouws, Bill Mehl, Alan Moerdyk, Mark King, John Ayers, and Michelle Becigneul had very respectable targets.

Jon Wulff shot 2 rifles, his RAW Hv 177 in the morning, and his Crown .22 Open in the afternoon. Because of that his scores don’t show the same routine in the excel program as the other shooters, but he did well with both rifles and it was a good test for how he’ll be set up for the September GLI.

One point that should be made is we all have a new friend, Michael Hagerty who drove from south central Illinois to come to our match. He has a "new to him” Thomas rifle, which other than a few “rookie” mistakes, the rifle shot very well and I believe he will be back and he told me that he had a great time. Thanks for coming and giving our club a chance to introduce you to Air rifle BR.

The big announcements are that the next match will in fact be the Sept 24-25 Great Lakes Invitational, and we still have a little bit of time to get you signed up. Best route is to contact me and I’ll get the ball rolling. For that match we’ll start Friday with an informal meet and greet, an afternoon of practice, and a catered dinner. Saturdays match will begin at 9am as we have a big day planned with 2 complete Aggregates, and a catered Lunch break. Competitors get Shirts, meals, trophies, and there will be Merchandise and a swap and sell area set aside.

Below are the excel tables for how the scores went yesterday. Congrats to all.

Paul Becigneul

Southern Michigan Gun Club USARB 25 meter Benchrest August 7, 21 1st Aggregate
Alan Moerdyk Spr 241 1 226 2 226 2 693 5 177
Mark King Spr 218 2 219 3 221 2 658 7 177
John Ayers Spr 190 0 201 2 200 1 591 3 177
George Shoup Spr dnf 0 0 177
Ryan Parks Open 243 8 247 10 248 9 738 27 22
Bill Mehl Open 238 3 239 7 218 0 695 10 22
Vern Bouws LV 229 4 237 3 244 4 710 11 177
Michelle Becigneul LV 222 1 227 3 226 1 675 5 177
Greg Vaughn HV 245 8 249 7 243 9 737 24 177
Tom Evans HV 245 9 244 7 247 13 736 29 177
Eric Simmons HV 247 15 247 10 240 13 734 38 177
Joe Chapman HV 244 10 243 6 246 5 733 21 177
Francis Becigneul HV 242 7 243 10 247 10 732 27 177
Jon Wulff HV 243 7 249 7 235 5 727 19 177
Michael Hagerty HV 239 6 243 4 202 4 684 14 177
Rod Parks HV 232 2 216 3 221 0 669 5 177
Ken Brown HV 232 1 dnf 225 4 457 5 177

Southern Michigan Gun Club 25 Meter Benchrest USARB August 7th 2021 Match 2
Alan Moerdyk Spr 229 3 221 0 225 2 675 5 177
Mark King Spr 229 1 218 0 221 2 668 3 177
John Ayers Spr 185 0 175 0 196 2 556 2 177
George Shoup SPR dnf 0 0 177
Ryan Parks Open 245 8 248 7 244 8 737 23 22
Jon Wulff Open 242 3 239 4 233 8 714 15 22
Bill Mehl Open dnf 0 0 22
Michelle Becigneul LV 234 4 224 3 229 1 687 8 177
Vern Bouws LV dnf 0 0 177
Joe Chapman HV 250 8 246 9 249 11 745 28 177
Eric Simmons HV 244 12 247 6 248 10 739 28 177
Francis Becigneul HV 248 12 244 6 247 10 739 28 177
Tom Evans HV 244 5 244 5 246 9 734 19 177
Michael Hagerty HV 246 9 242 6 241 3 729 18 177
Ken Brown HV 234 4 230 3 235 2 699 9 177
Rod Parks HV 213 0 221 3 232 1 666 4 177

Southern Michigan Gun Club 25 Meter Benchrest USARB Aug 7th, 2021 Grand Aggregate
COMPETITOR CLASS Grand Agg total X's
Alan Moerdyk Spr 1368 10
Mark King Spr 1326 10
John Ayers Spr 1147 5
Ryan Parks Open 1475 50
Jon Wulff Open/HV 1441 34
Bill Mehl Open 695 10
Michelle Becigneul LV 1362 13
Vern Bouws LV 710 11
Joe Chapman HV 1478 49
Eric Simmons HV 1473 66
Francis Becigneul HV 1471 55
Tom Evans HV 1470 48
Michael Hagerty HV 1413 32
Rod Parks HV 1335 9
Ken Brown HV 1156 14
Greg Vaughn HV 737 24
Thanks for posting, Paul and thank you for getting such a great program going at SMGC. Can’t you find something closer to home? Congratulations to Joe Chapman on his 250 target.