This just in from the northwoods of Michigan where the Jackpine Savages roam……
In Harrison, Michigan on Saturday, September 06, 2014, the Harrison Sportsmans Club hosted the last 100 score match of the 2014 season. Shooting commenced at 10:00 am with almost two full relays of the finest benchrest shooters to gather in the northern woods of Michigan. Doughnuts were flying off the table as well as gallons of coffee for those that needed the black mud to shoot straight. Thank you Bill Stiverson for tending the kitchen!
This was definitely a blood match as everyone wanted the world famous Harrison Benchrest Match Winner pin. It was pretty much lights out in the Factory Class after the second match as the Indian River Referee, Bob Zimmer led the class by a full point and two X’s. Close on his heels but just not enough gas to pass was Doug Mulder. The Factory Class ended up like this:
Bob Zimmer 248-11X Factory Class Winner
Doug Mulder 241-3X Factory Class 2nd Place
Dan Ryan 237-3X Factory Class 3rd Place (and many hand claps!)
Jim Guinn was the outright winner of the Sandbagger Class Trophy (within the Factory Class with his fine 237-2X!
In the Varmint For Score Class there were plenty of ‘what did you shoot’ and ‘how many did get that time’ questions flying back and forth as the competitors were going down to retrieve their targets. Dudley Pierce (Mr. Joe Cool) wasn’t saying a word to anyone the entire match – like the pitcher that has a perfect game going into the 7th inning. Dudley kept piling on the X’s and shooting himself into the VFS Winner’s Top Spot with his fantastic 250-22X! Ed Stevens (who drove himself all the way from Alpena) was in contention until he experienced one of those Harrison Tremors on bench #8. The tremor shook his shot out for a nine. Beware of those tremors! Second Place in the VFS was none other than Andy Tabor. Andy tends the lighthouse with Dale Burtch at Tawas Point. Rob Fairbanks (the Rogers City Ship’s Captain talks to Andy and Dale quite a bit on the ship-to-shore when Rob is out on the Great Lakes). Third place in the VFS Class was the tag team of Brian & Helen Albee. Brian does the shooting while Helen helps Brian. They are a miraculous couple to watch! They have redefined what the meaning of ‘harmony’ is! Brian shot a 250-19X also, but had a 3X as opposed to Andy’s 4X on the first target. Congratulations to Brian and Helen!
The winner of the Sandbagger Class Trophy in the VFS division is Jeremy Hover with his fine 246-8X!
Many thanks to Jim Dyke for providing the entertainment between relays in the scoring shack.
Onto the Hunter Class where there were two shooters - Jeff Aberegg and Dudley Pierce. Jeff’s 247-7X whooped Dudley’s 244-7X. (amazing isn’t it?). It is hilarious to watch them squinting as they come off the line. There wasn’t enough shooters in the Hunter Class to award the Sandbagger Trophy so that will be saved for the last match which will be a 100 yard score match on September 20. Dick Wright will make a very, very important announcement regarding this match within a day or two. Stand by for details!
Just the messenger boy…. Matt Dardas
Dudley Pierce - Winner of the VFS Class
![100_1970[1].jpg 100_1970[1].jpg](https://benchrest.com/forum/data/attachments/7/7586-678e555e79f99b3074d249efa1390959.jpg)
Doug Mulders thinking 'Should I buy it?
![100_1971[1].jpg 100_1971[1].jpg](https://benchrest.com/forum/data/attachments/7/7587-64f161ad94dd8812225709a2b56f69e9.jpg)
Jeff saying 'this is just too bright!' Notice the sunlight shining through his body!
![100_1972[1].jpg 100_1972[1].jpg](https://benchrest.com/forum/data/attachments/7/7588-dcbe9c2edbd014f15973f49a7b6408ae.jpg)
Dick Wright and Jeremy Hover
![100_1973[1].jpg 100_1973[1].jpg](https://benchrest.com/forum/data/attachments/7/7589-5f478451ca27e984f58c145be05b0a7d.jpg)
Jim Dyke (Social Director) - Trying to hide his breakfast
![100_1974[1].jpg 100_1974[1].jpg](https://benchrest.com/forum/data/attachments/7/7590-43d4eb4de88782ac447efd2adb41f7a6.jpg)
It's A Benchrest Meeting!
![100_1976[1].jpg 100_1976[1].jpg](https://benchrest.com/forum/data/attachments/7/7591-3f5ad42cf43097b6252c2f3a210a0dea.jpg)
In Harrison, Michigan on Saturday, September 06, 2014, the Harrison Sportsmans Club hosted the last 100 score match of the 2014 season. Shooting commenced at 10:00 am with almost two full relays of the finest benchrest shooters to gather in the northern woods of Michigan. Doughnuts were flying off the table as well as gallons of coffee for those that needed the black mud to shoot straight. Thank you Bill Stiverson for tending the kitchen!
This was definitely a blood match as everyone wanted the world famous Harrison Benchrest Match Winner pin. It was pretty much lights out in the Factory Class after the second match as the Indian River Referee, Bob Zimmer led the class by a full point and two X’s. Close on his heels but just not enough gas to pass was Doug Mulder. The Factory Class ended up like this:
Bob Zimmer 248-11X Factory Class Winner
Doug Mulder 241-3X Factory Class 2nd Place
Dan Ryan 237-3X Factory Class 3rd Place (and many hand claps!)
Jim Guinn was the outright winner of the Sandbagger Class Trophy (within the Factory Class with his fine 237-2X!
In the Varmint For Score Class there were plenty of ‘what did you shoot’ and ‘how many did get that time’ questions flying back and forth as the competitors were going down to retrieve their targets. Dudley Pierce (Mr. Joe Cool) wasn’t saying a word to anyone the entire match – like the pitcher that has a perfect game going into the 7th inning. Dudley kept piling on the X’s and shooting himself into the VFS Winner’s Top Spot with his fantastic 250-22X! Ed Stevens (who drove himself all the way from Alpena) was in contention until he experienced one of those Harrison Tremors on bench #8. The tremor shook his shot out for a nine. Beware of those tremors! Second Place in the VFS was none other than Andy Tabor. Andy tends the lighthouse with Dale Burtch at Tawas Point. Rob Fairbanks (the Rogers City Ship’s Captain talks to Andy and Dale quite a bit on the ship-to-shore when Rob is out on the Great Lakes). Third place in the VFS Class was the tag team of Brian & Helen Albee. Brian does the shooting while Helen helps Brian. They are a miraculous couple to watch! They have redefined what the meaning of ‘harmony’ is! Brian shot a 250-19X also, but had a 3X as opposed to Andy’s 4X on the first target. Congratulations to Brian and Helen!
The winner of the Sandbagger Class Trophy in the VFS division is Jeremy Hover with his fine 246-8X!
Many thanks to Jim Dyke for providing the entertainment between relays in the scoring shack.
Onto the Hunter Class where there were two shooters - Jeff Aberegg and Dudley Pierce. Jeff’s 247-7X whooped Dudley’s 244-7X. (amazing isn’t it?). It is hilarious to watch them squinting as they come off the line. There wasn’t enough shooters in the Hunter Class to award the Sandbagger Trophy so that will be saved for the last match which will be a 100 yard score match on September 20. Dick Wright will make a very, very important announcement regarding this match within a day or two. Stand by for details!
Just the messenger boy…. Matt Dardas
Dudley Pierce - Winner of the VFS Class
![100_1970[1].jpg 100_1970[1].jpg](https://benchrest.com/forum/data/attachments/7/7586-678e555e79f99b3074d249efa1390959.jpg)
Doug Mulders thinking 'Should I buy it?
![100_1971[1].jpg 100_1971[1].jpg](https://benchrest.com/forum/data/attachments/7/7587-64f161ad94dd8812225709a2b56f69e9.jpg)
Jeff saying 'this is just too bright!' Notice the sunlight shining through his body!
![100_1972[1].jpg 100_1972[1].jpg](https://benchrest.com/forum/data/attachments/7/7588-dcbe9c2edbd014f15973f49a7b6408ae.jpg)
Dick Wright and Jeremy Hover
![100_1973[1].jpg 100_1973[1].jpg](https://benchrest.com/forum/data/attachments/7/7589-5f478451ca27e984f58c145be05b0a7d.jpg)
Jim Dyke (Social Director) - Trying to hide his breakfast
![100_1974[1].jpg 100_1974[1].jpg](https://benchrest.com/forum/data/attachments/7/7590-43d4eb4de88782ac447efd2adb41f7a6.jpg)
It's A Benchrest Meeting!
![100_1976[1].jpg 100_1976[1].jpg](https://benchrest.com/forum/data/attachments/7/7591-3f5ad42cf43097b6252c2f3a210a0dea.jpg)
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