Results of Iosco Sportsmen's Club 100 Yard Score Match


New member
In spite of cooling weather and a continued threat of rain, the contest was hotly contested with the results requiring invoking of several tie breakers. Here are the results of this mornings match.

Paul Becigneul VFS. 250-16X
Jim Millitello. VFS. 250-16X
Bill Leichtman. VFS. 250-15X
Andrew Taber. VFS. 250-15X
Francis Becigneul. VFS. 249-16X

Bob Eklund. Factory. 250-9X
Fred Trudell. Factory. 248-12X
Ron Venis. Factory. 223-2X
We got the down pour, down here. Glad we were not shooting BR. Just plates at one club. And pins at another.
Oh, wait. 2 weeks in a row. I drive up to WWCCA and can't get a lane to shoot(plates/pins all my fault. But, a really nice day was had.)............The skeet and beer were better.......
The drive home was AWESOME 45 MPH on I-96 making waves. Yeee hawww.
The ground was getting a bit squishy up here as well. Bob Eklund helped with our target frames. Thanks to his heavy Chevy with 4wd, the day ended positive.