Results Montrose Air Rifle Club Saturday October 18th-Scoreline

It was a really beautiful fall day here in Colorado. The leaves actually fell on us all day. None of the guys could make it, but my daughter Shauna came out and shot with me. We had mild winds and comfortable temps since we waited until around 11:00 to shoot. Never held past the 8 ring. We tried some AA pellets for the second card, but abandoned them after some uncalled for 8's. The repeatability returned for the third card after going back to the JSB's. Shauna is blind in her left eye, so she really couldn't see the flags. I helped her out by calling her holdoffs.....which actually seemed to work pretty well. She had fun, and I did, too. It wan an enjoyable day. :D

Mike Niksch Thomas HV (1) 250 10x (2) 246 12x (3) 249 15x (Total) 745 37x

Shauna Niksch Thomas HV (1) 247 12x (2) 243 10x (3) 247 13x (Total) 737 35x



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Looks like there's another Niksch out there in Colorado to keep you honest. And from the looks of things, she's a darn good shooter as well. You taught her well my friend.

I got to shoot Paul Bendix's Thomas in HV today, and now know what all the fuss is about. I'll let Paul post his report to tell the rest of the story. As a hint: you're going to have to take both shoes off in order to count all the "X's"?

Dave Shattuck
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Your Thomas's did well at Holbrook today at the indoor match.
Mark N shot three 250's for a 750 41X
Dave Shattuck shot my HV Mech Thomas for three 250's for a 750 59X
I shot my HV Mech Thomas for a 750 70X
Then The Hybrid Thomas didn't do as well testing JSB, AA, and H&N for a 744 43X still have a couple of good tins that the gun likes.
Great shooting Shauna!!!

Thanks again for sharing you gun with us.

PS David is still smiling!
Thanks, guys. Shauna is the reason I got into airguns......she was wanting to practice more for her NJROTC shooting team at her high school...... so I bought some of the Avantis they use and the journey began. We did an awful lot of 10m offhand

I very glad to hear that things went well. :D
