Results Montrose Air Rifle Club Outdoors March 6, 2016

It was a pretty overcast and windy day....but the temperatures were pretty decent for this time of year. We set up 3 lanes of FT just to fool around after shooting a BR Match. As usual...more were planning to attend, but didn't. Olivia and I had fun, anyway. The low winds were 8 mph, and we had a period where the gusts were up to 23 mph. Olivia shot an outstanding 3rd card with zero coaching from me....I'm very proud of her. She was struggling to keep both eyes open to be able to watch the flags, but she got it figured out.

Mike Niksch Thomas Open (1) 248 15x (2) 249 13x (3) 249 13x (Total) 746 41x

Olivia Guseman Thomas Open (1) 241 9x (2) 246 6x (3) 248 15x (Total) 735 30x



  • Olivia BR.jpg
    Olivia BR.jpg
    57.5 KB · Views: 285
  • Olivia FT.jpg
    Olivia FT.jpg
    86.4 KB · Views: 270
awesome picts Mike wish they were just a little bigger
and i also like the FT gun she is shooting :)

I don't know how to make them any bigger. I tried to upload them as they were, but the site would not take them without me reducing their size.

Great shooting Mike and Olivia !!

Love the scores and pictures of Olivia! I would be happy with the scores!
here she is
