Results Montrose Air Rifle Club Indoor Saturday December 6th-Scoreline

Darrin and I did a quick round of shooting this morning. He had an amazing first card, but unfortunately it didn't continue.

Mike Niksch Thomas HV (1) 250 12x, (2) 250 16x, (3) 250 17x, (Total) 750 45x

Darrin Westermann Thomas HV (1) 250 23x, (2) 249 15x, (3) 249 15x, (Total) 748 53x



  • 250 23x.jpg
    250 23x.jpg
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WOW Darrin, a 23X! Congratulations on some fine shooting

And Mike, great shooting as well posting another 750. Watch out cause it might get boring. I know I'm getting bored (otherwise known as being envious) just watching Paul post all his. ;) :)

Dave Shattuck
Thanks, Dave.

About mid summer, I changed the way I viewed my guns performance. Prior to that, If my rifle shot 10 shots through the same hole, then one shot outside the hole.....I referred to the rogue shot as a flier and tried to figure out a way to eliminate that shot.

Today, I recognize that no rifle will shoot through the same hole every time for 30 shots. I include the fliers in my overall group assessment and adjust my scope for the midpoint of that larger group. I don't follow around the POI as it shifts. It doesn't matter if I shoot 24x's dead center, then one scope will be adjusted for the place in between. This increases my odds of shooting a 750 substantially....both indoor and out. I may lose some x's, but matches are rarely won on x count......especially outside. I think it's also the reason that a complete novice, like my wife, can shoot an indoor 750. She just points at the middle no matter what. If I made her adjust the scope for herself....I doubt she could do it.
