Results- Mass State 3-Gun Yards - Easthampton - 8/25



Bill Buskey captured the coveted “Penny’s Famous Relish” with strong showing for the 3-Gun Aggregate in the Mass. State 3-Gun Championship held at the Easthampton Fish and Game range on Aug. 25th.

Congrats to all the individual Class winners, the 2-Gun and 3-Gun winners and those who were able to put together a 250 on the Class targets.

A sincere thank-you to all that helped with scoring, posting targets, and clean-up. You guys are great!

Mass. State 3-Gun Yards 08/25/12

Name Place Score X's FM
Bill Buskey 1 250 15 1
Pete Roberson 2 250 11 7
AL Hadfield 3 248 11 3

10 1/2 LB
Name Place Score X's FM
Bob Hill 1 250 15 1
Pete Roberson 2 249 20 17
AL Hadfield 3 249 13 23

13 1/2 LB
Name Place Score X's FM
AL Hadfield 1 250 21 4
Bill Buskey 2 250 18 2
Ray Hill 3 250 16 5

2 Gun Agg
Name Place Score X's
AL Hadfield 1 499 34
Tim Wagner 2 499 28
Pete Roberson 3 498 35

3 Gun Agg
Name Place Score X's
Bill Buskey 1 748 48
Pete Roberson 2 748 46
AL Hadfield 3 747 45
Thanks to you Walt and Don for putting on a great match, allot of hard work goes into these matches and you guys did GREAT!
Congratulations to all that shot and the fun of the raffle afterward, with Bill winning the three gun AND the relish!!
Thanks Michael for putting on a great match and thanks to Penny and Maryellen for making the pickles/relish and preserves. A very nice touch! Pete it was a close one. We pushed each other all day. Congrats to Bob Hill and Al Hadfield on their class wins and to Al for the high target of the day and his 2 gun win. The conditions were great. Can we have more of them at your next shoot Michael?

I can only echo what Bill & Pete said. A great, well run, fun match. And as always a BIG thank you to Marryellen for all the goodies!


I had a great time as well even though my expectations going in had been for doing a little better than I did. But hey, at least I brought home the second best Door Prize of the day by winning that hat (any of the relishes would have been the only thing that could have possibly topped it) My granddaughters think it's the best!

Looking forward to our next meeting.


That was lots of fun, such a nice range to compete at....lots of 250's! That was some serious competition! Congrats to all who shot. As always, well run and a great lunch. All Maryellen's brownies we took for the ride home didn't even make it to the Mass. Pike. Those were good! Thanks Don and Walt for the setting up the range, good shooting to both of you!
Congratulations to Bill Buskey for some superb shooting and the Match Win! Many thanks to Gordon Eck who builds the best rifle in this, or any other part of the country! Nice 250's Ray Hill and Al Hadfield...I had the pleasure watching you both shoot those 250's through the spotting scope. Nice shooting with Penny, Pete and Dave, Ed and Tim.
Al, that was some Great shooting! 250 21X...only 4X to go! Thanks for all you advice and tutoring you've shared with me! Hope to see you all this week at Angle tree...

Bob Hill
Hi Bob,

Thanks for the kind words about my tutoring you but you have progressed far beyond what little I showed you. Congratulations on your and Pop's 250s! You a strong contender, I expect to see you in the winner's circle more and more. I am proude to say I helped you get started.

Your right, Michael has two great helpers in Don and Walt. I also noticed you pitching in!


I think any advice is Huge in this crazy sport. I thank you for giving me and Pops invaluable info that we both can learn more and more from. Helping out at the range is my pleasure...I see you sweeping up after each match as well.
Easthampton always has such a great group of top notch shooters! Like I said ..always a great time! Looking forward to seeing you and Penny this Saturday.
