Results Holbrook Indoor AGBR 4/4/09


Paul Bendix

Only 3 shooters but we had a good time.
All Unlimited
Norm Lieber 247 3X, 244 1X, 244 6X, Total 735 10X HW 100 JSB Heavy .177

Paul Bendix 250 6X, 250 6X, 247 5X, 747 17X Theoben .22 JSB 18.1

Mitch Hill 242 3X, 246 5X, 246 5X 734 13X AA s400 MPR .177 JSB

Then Mitch shot his AA in .22 with a Stock that Don Stilh is setting up to make.

Norm shot my Rapid and ended up with a 250 7X for his best target ever!!

Great shooting.


Boy-o-boy, you boys sure have those AG's cooking. And Paul, two more 250's, WOW.

Penny and I are looking forward to seeing you at Holbrook for the first IR Unlimited match on the 19th. It's been a long winter.

Paul's on fire...somebody throw some water on him :).
Good shooting everyone.
Hope to see everyone next time.

Doug's right about Paul, he sure is on fire! But, now we are about go back out into the great equalizer ....the wind.... as we move back outdoors in 2 weeks. My guess is though that Paul will still have no problems with continuing to0 kick everyone's butt.

Looks like you guys had a good time. Paul, those are great scores, you've really tamed that Theoben.

Dave -- glad to hear that you are doing better. Sure hope you can make it on the 19th.

Al and Penny - it has been a long winter. I've been down to the local range to tune things up etc., but I spent more time jabberin' with the local boys than shootin' -- had to get caught up on all the gossip.
