Results from Tacoma, Washington - HV and UNL s shot Regionals - Regional 4-gun

Steve Kostanich

Active member
Here are the results from the Northwest Regional HV and UNL 5 shot fired Aug. 1-2, 2009 at the Tacoma Rifle and Revolver Club Range. This weekend concluded The NW Regional 4-Gun Championship in which a new perpetual trophy was awarded for the first time. The trophy is the Del Bishop Award. It honors a top shooter and master bullet maker. Dels health has kept him from shooting much these days, but he was there to present the trophy.

HV 100 yard Agg.
1. Mustafa Bilal .2164
2. Steve Kostanich .2226
3. Eric Stanton .2368
4. John Parrish .2424
5. Mark Walker .2542
SG Mustafa Bilal .125"

HV 200 yard Agg.
1. Rick Graham .2417
2. Eric Stanton .2438
3. Chris Ross .2801
4. Mustafa Bilal .2933
5. John Parrish .3256
SGMustafa Bilal .203"

HV Grand Agg.
1. Eric Stanton .2403
2. Mustafa Bilal .2549
3. Rick Graham .2569
4. John Parrish .2840
5. Steve Kostanich .2917

UNL 5 shot 100 yard Agg
1. Mark Walker .1492
2. Rick Graham .1522
3. Mustafas Bilal .1646
4. Jeff Yost .1818
5. Larry Boers .1826
SG Larry Boers .081"

UNL 5 shot 200 yard Agg.
1.Eric Stanton .1448
2. Larry Boers .1524
3. Rick Graham .1853
4. Mustafa Bilal .1990
5. Chris Ross .2205
SG Rick Graham .203"

UNL 5 shot Grand Agg.
1. Larry Boers .1675
2. Rick Graham .1688
3. Mustafa Bilal .1818
4. Eric Stanton .1826
5. Jeff Yost .2043

Spt -LV - HV - UNL 5 shot four gun NW Regional Championship/Del Bishop award
1. Eric Stanton .1980
2. Mustafa Bilal .2202
3. Rick Graham .2208
4. Larry Boers .2389
5. Chris Ross .2654

Respectfully, for small Aggs.,
Steve Kostanich
Congrats Eric!!!

Congrats Eric on your 4-gun win! Eric has shot extremely well all year… a .1980 4-gun!

Rick Graham
Can't catch Eric

How are things Butch?

Another fine season is drawing to a close next month in Tacoma. The matches this year have been particularly competitive. There are so many talented shooters out here. Of course Eric has led the way to take the new trophy and he deserves it. We shot next to each other this weekend, and not only did Eric perform extremely well, but we found plenty of time for plenty of fun. But then, that's what BR is suppose to be all about, right?

The attached picture goes to show that even deer find Graham flags to be interesting. Don't let those hanging tails fool you though, at times things were mighty interesting!



  • Deer_GrahamFlags_7045sm.jpg
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Eric it really great to see you are able to shoot so well with your own equipment or did Lou send all of his stuff to you for the shoot? It must have been odd to not have to fly to the shoot with only your tooth brush. Lou would be proud of you being able to remember all of his prep work for you when you fly into a shoot.

Good shooting and I hope the trophy is not to heavy so you can travel with it to show all of us when we see you at our next shoot.

Thanks for the comments guys, it was a good match. Hope the new trophy will bring out a few more shooters for next year.

Tom, I had to shoot my own equipment, and even reload myself, it really sucked. It takes most of the fun right out of shooting with all that work. I would much rather just fly in with earplugs, clean underwear, and a toothbrush. Well at least the earplugs anyway.:p


Congratulations, Eric

You have been on fire lately. Since you won the Del Bishop trophy, I guess that you used his Neimi-die flat base bullets?? Good shooting, James
Thanks, James. I was using the flat base bullet on a .790 jacket in the bag gun and on a .750 jacket in a chrome molly Bartlein on my unlimited. I don't know what it is about that bullet shape, or that die, but it really is a good shooting bullet. Del is not too bad at making them either.:D He has a lady that is helping him now, and she is very good at seating the cores, and getting things ready for him.

Eric it really great to see you are able to shoot so well with your own equipment or did Lou send all of his stuff to you for the shoot? It must have been odd to not have to fly to the shoot with only your tooth brush. Lou would be proud of you being able to remember all of his prep work for you when you fly into a shoot.

Good shooting and I hope the trophy is not to heavy so you can travel with it to show all of us when we see you at our next shoot.


When Del was getting ready to award the trophy to Eric I asked him if it was full of Bishop Bullets. I think his hearing is going now that his back is getting better. I ask three times and he never looked up. ;) That cup full of Dels bullets would have made it heavy. Del is making some really good bullets now.

Good shooting Eric. You've shot well all year. The competion is really stiff up here in the NW.

And thanks Del for all the help you've giving to all the shooters up here.