Results from Oak Hills


New member
It was another great day to shoot. Temperatures in the high 70's, with light switching winds at 100 yards led to a .2136 wining agg. At 200, still switching winds, but more of them led to a winning agg. of .2564

100 yard light varmint

Jim Carstensen
Harry Rowold, back after a 2 year sabbatical in Wheatland
Kenneth Stone

200 yard light varmint

Kenneth Stone
Harry Rowold
Cecil Peterson

Light varmint grand agg.

Kenneth Stone (his first grand agg win)
Harry Rowold
Jim Carstensen

That was the last match for this year. Hard to believe another shooting season is nearly over for us in the midwest.

Jim Carstensen
That was the last match for this year. Hard to believe another shooting season is nearly over for us in the midwest.

Is that because of cold weather, or lack of interest (due to hunting seasons, etc.)? I saw on the club schedule that other type shoots are scheduled into Nov.
Season Over At Oak Hill

Is that because of cold weather, or lack of interest (due to hunting seasons, etc.)? I saw on the club schedule that other type shoots are scheduled into Nov.

We have 6 shoots/year--April through September on the 3rd Sunday of the month
September match was not permitted due to conflicts with NBRSA Nationals