Results from Oak Hills


New member
It was the last match of the year for a lot of the Iowa shooters, me for sure.

Heavy Varmint

100 yard - Dean Eckstrom (the Dean guy)
200 yard - Jerry King (check at the hospital if you can't find him)
Grand Agg goes to the Dean Guy

In the unlimited class, only two were man enough to shoot the big guns, Cecil Peterson and me.

We both shot 17xx aggs at 100.
At 200 I was a 17xx and Cecil was at 1680, so he was the man among men, winning the Grand Agg.

Jim Carstensen
Fat Lady is Singing---

Its over for 2013

I will, have a year to boast/brag about beating some one with Hall of Fame Points (Once).

Now if I could just figure how to beat that "Torche" Guy.
