Results for WWCCA VFS 100/200 Score Match. July 19, 2014


Tim B.
It was a nice summer day at Plymouth, MI. WWCCA held a 100/200y. VFS match on Sat.
The morning was mostly a trigger pull contest. Ed Stevens got most of his bulls eyes in the morning. Joe Krupa was right behind.
Winds picked up after lunch. We got a little wet in the afternoon.
100y. results.
Ed Stevens 250-20X
Joe Krupa 250-19X
Dominic Grunas 250-17X

200y. results.
Joe Krupa 249-10X
Ed Stevens 249-8X
Tim Bassham 248-4X

Grand Agg.
Joe Krupa 499-29X
Ed Stevens 499-28X
Tim Bassham 498-19X
Butch Limscomb 498-19X
Dominic Grunas 496-19X
Rich Quigley 482-15X.

Special thanks to Wayne and Dom. for the help in running the match.
Tim B.