Results for Emerald Empire

Dennis D.

We had a pretty good shoot. The wind was up to about 10mph but with a few calm periods that allowed two or three shots before it changed directions. As we waited out the wind the first few rows looked pretty good but as time ran out the last row got a bit ragged.

Match Class
Arlin Brewer 225 0X, 231 0X, 229 0X, 685 0X
Dennis DiFeo 243 2X, 247 7X, 245 4X 735 13X

Unlimited Class
Arlin Brewer 239 3X, 245 1X, 248 3X 732 7X
Dennis DiFeo 247 1X, 247 1X, 250 5X 744 7X

Dennis DiFeo, MD

Arlin used an Anschutz 2002 in the match class and and started with a Falcon for the first two Unlimiteds and swithced to a FWB P70FT for the last target. I used an FWB P70 Jr. for Match and a Styer HP100 for Unlimited. All were .177.
