results 9-4-11 world target shoot out.



This is the results of our world target match on 9-4-11 ,San Deigo airguners big bash at the police range on federal ave. it was warm out and we did have some down pours that kept the devil winds dancing around..
1. Charline Pray--248 7x's 247 12x's2 245 11x's 740 30x's
2. Howard Pray --242 3x's 243 4x's 244 9x's 729 16x's
3. Roger Lovett--244 6x's 239 6x's 240 8x's 723 20x's
4. Henry Nguyen-228 2x's 224 3x's 225 2x's 677 7x's
5. Tim Donaldson-223 7x's 222 2x's 228 5x's 673 14x's.
over all some very good scores was shot. i just want to thank everyone for the great help setting up and stowing everything.:)