Results 5-11-24 for 600 Yards N.E Ohio Shoot Tusco Rifle Club

• 21 individuals participating in the shoot
• Smallest group was 1.275" which was shot by Kendell Francis in Match 1
• Hobie Bond and Kendell Francis shot 50 points scores


Shooter Name Caliber Group (") Score Group/Score Winner

Hobie Bond 6BRA DQ
Dave Unkefer 284 2.245" 31
Toman 3.316" 49 2nd Score
Greenwood 6br 2.667" 48
Ted Sanders 2.184" 40
A. Oldfield 6BR 1.987" 49 1st Score
Jana 3.023" 43
Fred Calai 6 Dasher 4.312" 47
Brad Johnson 6BRX 1.710" 33 3rd Group
Kendell Francis 6BRS 2.070" 48 3rd Score

Ted Sanders
Tasha Combs 6mm 2.093" 41
Jeff Milhoan 6mm 2.484" 48
Mike Penso 6.5x47L 4.349" 45
Brubaker 6BRA 2.724" 46
Wallace 2.208" 48
Wainwright 1.385" 44 2nd Group
Brad Johnson 6BRX 3.922" 18
Kendell Francis 6BRS 1.275" 47 1st Group

Tasha Combs 6mm 2.669" 43
Jeff Milhoan 6mm 2.044" 46

Shooter Name Caliber Group (") Score Group/Score Winner

Hobie Bond 6BRA 2.288" 50 1st Score

Dave Unkefer 284 2.485" 31
Toman 4.514" 41
Greenwood 6br 2.464" 44
Ted Sanders 6+ 38
A. Oldfield 6BR 2.261" 47
Adam Jana 1.517" 48 2nd Group
Fred Calai 6 Dasher 2.033" 49 2nd Score

Brad Johnson 6BRX 2.932" 38
Kendell Francis 6BRS 1.629" 46

Ted Sanders 3.859" 34
Tasha Combs 6mm 2.351" 47
Jeff Milhoan 6mm 2.530" 49 3rd Score
Mike Penso 6.5x47L 6+ 39
Brubaker 6BRA 4.284" 45
J. Wallace 1.469" 49 1st Group
Wainwright 2.881" 43
Brad Johnson 6BRX 2.444" 35
Kendell Francis 6BRS 1.673" 48

Tasha Combs 6mm 1.570" 48 3rd Group
Jeff Milhoan 6mm 2.407" 47

Shooter Name Caliber Group (") Score Group/Score Winner

Dave Unkefer 284 1.604" 49 2nd Group

Dave Toman 3.409" 42
Greenwood 6br 1.785" 46 3rd Group
Ted Sanders 5.204" 42
A. Oldfield 6BR 2.643" 41
Fred Calai 6 Dasher 3.354" 41
Brad Johnson 6BRX 5.432" 37
Kendell Francis 6BRS 2.132" 50 1st Score

Ted Sanders 3.575" 45
Tasha Combs 6mm 2.585" 42
Jeff Milhoan 6mm 4.318" 45
Brubaker 6BRA 1.8" 48 3rd Score
J. Wallace 3.175" 49 2nd Score

Wainwright 3.465" 46
Brad Johnson 6BRX 3.365" 40
Kendell Francis 6BRS 2.181" 48

Tasha Combs 6mm 1.529" 47 1st Group
Jeff Milhoan 6mm 2.585" 46