Replacement Rifle Stock questions



I have the same problem on 2 different rifles bought in 1995. Both were sub moa rifles after working up reloads. Both have light weight plastic stocks. Both started spreading the groups out to 2". Both Leupold Scopes & mounts passed the physical & rectangle sight in test. Both stocks have warped enough that they are touching the barrel on one side. Both were completely cleaned & copper removed till the patches were clean.

The rifles are:

Winchester 70 Classic Stainless 7remmag

Browning A Bolt Stalker 243

I had the Winchester stock reamed by a gunsmith and it went back to one hole groups.

I have not done the Browning yet as both stocks have aged enough that they need to be replaced.

Any clue where I could find a hunting size stock to fit these rifles? I would prefer a laminated stock, but most of those are benchrest size.
Both these guns are keepers, so I don't mind spending the one on a quality polymer stock with aluminum bedding.
I have also thought about finding a wooden stock and having them glass bedded if I can't find the above. If the wood is properly sealed I think they will out live me.

Both rifles are hunting machines, so light weight & soundness of the stock are a must.

Looking forward to hear your ideas

Replacement stocks


I've had good luck with Bell & Carlson synthetic stocks with pillars. The price and availablity has been good. I have had to do a little sanding inside the stock for a good fit, but have been satisfied with the finish and durability. Check their website for action screw spacings and model numbers, the retailers don't always give you the complete information on fit. I also purchased an H-S Precision after market stock and couldn't say it was any better for the price.

Just found out Boyd's makes laminated stocks for both rifles. I have a couple of them on rem 700's & they fit me great. I expect some fitting, and having to order them is no big deal. For $90 I can afford to have them pillar bedded if needed.

Going to check out your info now.
