Remington trigger adjustment




I am definitely not a gunsmith but you may be able to give me some help. I have a 700 BDL 30-06 and thought the trigger pull was a bit much so adjusted it following directions on this page:

This definitely lowered the pull considerably but the trigger has quite a bit of travel before releasing the pin. Question is, is there a way to remove the travel? Thanks in advance.

I am definitely not a gunsmith but you may be able to give me some help. I have a 700 BDL 30-06 and thought the trigger pull was a bit much so adjusted it following directions on this page:

This definitely lowered the pull considerably but the trigger has quite a bit of travel before releasing the pin. Question is, is there a way to remove the travel? Thanks in advance.

That is what the "sear engagement" screw controls, in the quoted instructions. Re-do until it suits your tastes or before the trigger trips in the "slam fire" test.................Don
Thanks Don. That removed most of the creep, although it ended up being about 1/4 turn back (safely) from releasing the pin as opposed to the 1/2 in the instructions. Still a little bit of creep in there, but far better than the 'factory' settings.

How are custom triggers such as Jewel as far as creep goes - I mean is there none what-so-ever?

I am definitely not a gunsmith but you may be able to give me some help. I have a 700 BDL 30-06 and thought the trigger pull was a bit much so adjusted it following directions on this page:

This definitely lowered the pull considerably but the trigger has quite a bit of travel before releasing the pin. Question is, is there a way to remove the travel? Thanks in advance.

Often 700 triggers require more than just screw adjustment. I very lightly polish the sears on a soft 400 grit wheel and then polish them on a 555 black wheel... then I do the screw adjustments. I can get them crisp and light at 1.5 pounds on up... Occasionally you get one that is extremely hard to get the creep out of at a light setting ... then more sear work is required and a heavier setting...
Thanks for the insight Dennis, although that is far outside my scope of knowledge/tooling/ability. How much would something like that run if I were to go to a gunsmith, or would dropping $200 on a custom trigger be money better spent? Thanks.
Thanks for the insight Dennis, although that is far outside my scope of knowledge/tooling/ability. How much would something like that run if I were to go to a gunsmith, or would dropping $200 on a custom trigger be money better spent? Thanks.

I only charge $50 and that includes the mailing of the trigger group back to the owner. (The smallest parcel costs $10 minimum in Canada).

For trigger weights of 1.5 pounds or heavier I think it is a complete waste of money to replace a 700 trigger.
How are custom triggers such as Jewel as far as creep goes - I mean is there none what-so-ever?

Yes, they can be set for virtually no felt creep in the 3 lever design, and when being shot off a benchrest where carrying around the rifle is not an issue of safety like a hunting rifle application..............Don
No carrying Around a BR Gun with Bolt in no Safety

Hope I didn't misunderstand you Don. Most know a BR trigger gun loaded or not set right can be moved without going off but not off the bench. Remember what happened at a near recent IBS Hunter Match that provoked their safety rules to be changed.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR