Remington Model 7 help contour/caliber



Can anyone advise the barrel contour of a Remington Model 7? I have acquired one in .223 and wish to replace the barrel.

Also, I am torn on caliber selection for this rebarrel. I acquired a new Rem 700 LVSF chambered in .221 Fireball last year and in a fit of generosity gave it to my father-in-law for Christmas. After buying a set of dies and no load development it is shooting sub .75" groups. Many thanks to the posts here reccomending the Lil Gun/V-Max combination. My surprise was the ease in finding an acceptable load and more so just how quiet this combination is.

My quandry is I have never owned a rifle in .222 Remington and had pretty much planned to rebarrel in that caliber until last weekend when we scoped and fired the Fireball. Around the farm with the encroaching suburbanites, the range of the .221 is adequate. Has anyone had any experience with both the .221 and .222 to have an opinion on the relative noise of the two calibers?

Also, does anyone forsee any problems with feeding or functioning converting the .223 to a .221 with the Model 7 action? I have a few customs all based on the 700's, but this will be my first with the 7. I just happened to trade into this one, and I like the little thing.

I appreciate any advice and guidance you could offer. For sure, I've been lurking here for many years and it's about time I made a post.
