Remington 722 bolt stop spring



would anyone know of a source for a bolt stop spring for a model 722 Remington. I have either misplaced the spring or it didn't have one when I got this action. I think I could make the spring if I could see one but I can't find an exploded drawing of a 722. The spring from a model 700 looks like it would work but there isn't clearence in the bolt stop slot for the coil of the spring.
sbarbour, if you look into the bolt stop recess toward the back you will see blind hole abut 1/8 inch in diameter and a corresponding slot in the bolt stop, a coil spring about 5/16 inch in length lives in there. Its pretty simple once you know what its supposed to look like, any coil spring stock that fits and eneogh strength will work.
Good luck with your project.
Leroy Johnson
thanks Leroy, I was thinking that it might use the same type spring as the 700. It make sense now.