Remington 6 1/2 primers

Jim D

New member
I have some rem. 6 1/2 primers. I'm wondering if they would be suitable for a 222 rem rifle ?
Thanks !!!
If you load your .222 to "standard" pressures, 45 kcup, they'd likely work. The 6 1/2's were Remington's standard SR primer before people started shooting .222's in BR competition back in the 50's at pressures that nobody at the factory had intended. The 6 1/2's couldn't take the pressure and 7 1/2's became their standard small rifle high pressure primer.

If you never exceed the loads listed in most manuals and use EXACTLY the same components you might well be okay. Otherwise I'd only use the 6 1/2's in a Hornet, Bee, .25-20, 32-20 or similar low pressure rounds.
Thanks Larry !
I'm not a "hot" load fan.
Now, would a slow burn or fast burn powder be the best choice?
Thanks again !
As long as you keep the loads moderate it shouldn't make much difference whether the powder is on the fast side or slow side. The range of powders that work in the .222 runs from 4198 to 4895. If you like to have that case full of powder the 4895 will likely do that with somewhat lower pressures. I've never used it in my .222, but it was used by BR competitors when the .222 was a popular BR round.

The loads I've used in my .222 are something like a grain or so over the top loads listed in the manuals with powders like 4198, Benchmark, and 2230, and I can still lift the bolt with one finger. That's in a CZ 527 that has smallish locking lugs too.

I usually use WSR primers in my live varmint rifles.