Remington 37



Fellow shooters, I have a problem with my 37. After shooting a couple of cards, I find I have a thin build up of bullet lube on the face of the bolt in the 11 o,clock area. My question is, is this a common condition or is this something that needs looking into. I think the only way this could happen is maybe an oversize chamber causing a little blow back and causing the build up of lubricant on the face of the bolt, I don't know, but I notice it every time I clean the rifle usually after the second card. Any comments or is this just a common condition......Slim
I get lube on the face of my bolt on both my Times. And with several different barrels so I assume it is normal. I guess lube gets scraped off at the mouth of the chamber as the bullet is inserted. Maybe we are just clutsy. :) Rich

You are not clutsy! Sticking that bullet in the hole (chamber) on a Time action requires great care and you are going to scape off some wax no matter how careful you are. I've never thought it caused a problem. I just wipe it off everytime I clean, which is after every target..
Thank you gentlemen for your answers to my question. It looks like this is a normal condition and no major problem with the rifle. I never give a thought to the lube rubbing off the bullet on insertion, it makes a whole lot of sense. Slim :)
A question as to the bolt to barrell clearence, how much ya got? .002 to .003 will do, my 37's see the lube problem also and even into the Firing Pin hole, I see no problem with the lube sa accuracy will not suffer.

Fat Fingers

Iholer, where in the devil have you been? Missed you at the last shoot. Didn't have anyone to heckle. I read what you said and I guess I must have fat fingers, i'm working on it though. Last time we talked you said something about going to the Nationals. Have you decided one way or the other? There were a couple of other fellows in the club talking about going, maybe you can kind of team up and cut the costs. See you the 23rd....Slim:)