Rem action avalability

Tod Soeby

New member
A while back I noticed that Remington started selling 700 actions. I am looking around for them and now I can't find any. I was sure Midway had them, but they don't list them. Bruno's has one listed that has already been blueprinted for $650.

Any ideas?????
Tod Soeby

Larry Scott has them by the bushel barrel.Go to the Go Go Varmint Go classifieds or the 6mmBR classifieds and look for his ads.On this website he is listed under components in the classifieds.Once there you click on triggers and you will see his ad.

There is also a guy here who goes by Mike who sells the bare actions for around $215--$225 shipped.I bought one from him and all is good.Doing it this way you can order up a Kiff bolt and get all the options you want the first time.
There is also a guy here who goes by Mike who sells the bare actions for around $215--$225 shipped.I bought one from him and all is good.Doing it this way you can order up a Kiff bolt and get all the options you want the first time.

Hey got your ears on???
Tod Soeby

I would just e-mail him and tell him what you want.He sells them all the time so the wait shouldn't be too long.
Funny this has come up --- I have a friend who is in the upper leadership chain there and also discussed this with the Manager of Brand Management and Product Development of Custom and Premium Firearms Carlos Martinez when I was trying to get a TI action to build on. The decision was made when the “Custom Shop” offerings and work were being expanded to stop selling actions as it was seen as ultimately taking away potential business from the Custom Shop so the availability of Remington actions on a standalone basis may be drying up quickly.
Tod Soeby

I would go to the classifieds on this Forum and look under Actions.His name is Mike his ad is the 3rd one down from the top at the time I am typing and his e-mail address is listed in it.You will also see what he charged for his last action.
I would go to the classifieds on this Forum and look under Actions.His name is Mike his ad is the 3rd one down from the top at the time I am typing and his e-mail address is listed in it.You will also see what he charged for his last action.
Yep, and thanks....I tried that this morning. He is out for now , but will keep an eye open for me. I like the idea of buying a bare action and buying a PT & G bolt for it. I'm glad I thought of it.;):eek:
Go to a Pawn shop and buy a used 700 BDl..for $400--$425. Don't matter what the stock or barrel looks like, you just need the action. If you need botton metal you have it. If not, it will sell for $65.00. You can sell the bolt for $125--$150. That is $200.00 of your money back to put on a custom bolt.

Larry Isenhour
Like BAT says. Buy the best and cry once. Especially if you are building for BR competition cause the dual port is just so slick.



We must also share the fact that BAT's are addictive, and like a Lay's potato chip, you can't have just one. It is a slippery slope after you buy your first BAT.

I do agree with the recommendation to go with a custom of some kind. All of them are good and you will be very happy with any one you pick.

Jeff in OH
The build will not be for me. It seems that all a guy needs to do now a days is earn a few IBS SOY points and everyone in the county wants your help/advice/imput on a new "shooter". :rolleyes:

No one needs to convince me about a custom.......but I think to really learn that knowlage, you need to build a "lesser" (for lack of a better word, as some would STRONGLY argue the other way) rifle before you "get it". :confused:

The first question was caliber....he wanted it to be a 260 rem, and I talked him into a 6.5 x 47L. Better brass and a prooven winner. Then he just wanted to re barrel his mod 70 Win. When I finally got out of him what he really wanted the rifle for (shooting preditors off of a bench and sneek to a few matches with me) did we decide on a full build on a rem 700. I haven't ruled out getting him right into a custom....YET......BABY STEPS MY FRIEND....BABY STEPS. :D:D

My thought process (he agrees) was to buy readaly avalable parts so as to not have to wait. I know Bruno lists a bunch of different 6.5 8 twist or not they actualy have them in thier inventory has yet to be seen. Recoil lugs......actions (new or used) ....ect. The only wait was the gunsmith....and he is good....very good....and very fast!!!!

I guess it is kind of fun for me.......spending other peoples money.....and tring to get them into the sport!!:)

Thanks for the imput....and if I am missing something, let me know. I am all ears..........ok .........ears and belly!

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Last week Bruce had a Model M in inventory. I see it is no longer on their inventory page but there are 4 actions there that would work well for your friend's project.

I received great advice from Rob Ashcraft when I got into this game after buying a used 6PPC and seeing first hand what customs were like. Thanks to him I "did it right the first time" with my LG and then HG, and have no regrets for it.

You are right about getting new people going into the sport. I was at a local shop last night talking with some guys about 1000 yard BR. They had lots of good questions and we spent an hour just talking about the reloading process for ultra accuracy. I am thinking of packing up a LG and HG and taking them in for a "show and tell" and maybe bring them into the fold. With the 2 WV ranges close by there would be plenty of opportunity to shoot for them. I've also heard of a range coming on line in eastern Indiana which presents yet more opportunity.

Good luck to you and your friend with the project. That is half the fun anyway.

Jeff in OH
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