Rem 788 bolt



Remington used 2 different firing pins in the 788. One was a flat stamped pin while the other was round stock as in a 700. Question. Is the bolt body the same for both? You would think it would be since the flat pin had a coil spring. How about the shroud? Am having trouble with the spring binding on one of the flat pins. Numrich has both the parts and complete pins for both.
I don't know that I've seen a round firing pinned 788, but the cocking piece on the flat firing pin 788's is just slotted to let the firing pin go into the cocking piece. I figure that the round firing pin version would have to have a round hole in the cocking piece to allow the firing pin to go into the cocking piece. Are you sure that the spring is making the firing pin bind as I've seen a lot of good shooting 788's that used the flat firing pin? The spring on them was corkscrewed the same as on the ISS 700's that were made for awhile.