rem 700



anyone ever encountered a 700 with an ejector problem. when the bolt is open after firing a round the spent brass has to be removed from the bolt by hand. this is an inlaws rifle and i haven't had a chance to look at it. i told him to clean it very well and try it again before he brings it to me. if that doesn't work i figure it might be a spring problem. just curious if anyone else has encountered this before. thanks for your input
When shooting hot loads it is quite common for small brass shavings to jam the ejector thus not allowing it to perform it's intended function. You can usually free it by appling lubricant and pushing on it with a punch or something similar. The ejector could become jammed for different reasons as well.
Some cases are beveled slightly differently in the extractor groove area. The inside front of the bolt nose requires enough bevel to it, to allow a case to tip out sideways far enough to be released from the extractor. This may be your problem. It seems to occur more with the rebated rim cases like the .284 and the short mags...

It could also be a rusted in ejector spring.
i figured the problem would be along those lines. thanks guys.