Rem 700 vs Ruger 77 Action for build



Most of my rifles are built off Rem 700. I just love the Ruger 77 action though. Are these good, same, or worse in terms of a custom rig for hunting I want to build?

I'd suggest using the billet receivers & leave the investment cast Ruger's to the week-end hunting crowd.
Not even a choice. Comparing Rem accuracy potential to Ruger just isn't a fair comparison.

There are exactly ZERO winning Rugers on the planet.

Missloumudcat: The last three Ruger Model 77 V/T's I have purchased have been VERY pleasingly accurate!
Two of these all factory stock Rifles are in caliber 204 Ruger and the third is in caliber 223 Remington.
Their stocks are very pleasing for my style of shooting and Hunting.
The triggers are also very good.
The "largest" caliber Model 77 I own right now is one in 220 Swift.
I personally have never built a custom Rifle or re-barreled a Ruger 77.
I have shot alongside some re-barreled Ruger 77 V's though that were quite impressive in the accuracy department - including one especially accurate Rifle in caliber 6mm/284.
I have had MANY Remington bolt action Rifles of various models turned into full customs, semi-customs and others just re-barreled - I have been more than just happy with each of these re-works and customs!
For virtually guaranteed happiness with a custom Rifle being built "I" would definitely go with one of the Remington bolt action models, myself.
In fact I was just in Idaho Falls, Idaho day before yesterday "gunshopping" and came across a used Remington Model XR-100 in caliber 22-250 Remington - the asking price was $460.00 and my mind was racing with plans and calibers for that Rifle to be "turned into".
The VarmintWife was along and I did not want to have to make a long explanation to her of where my next three months "allowance" would be going.
I am still planning though and I think I have settled on making this nifty single shot action Remington into another 6mm Remington Bench Rest for my "needs"?
With careful Riflesmithing and chambering and a top of the line custom barrel I think the Ruger 77 would most likely be nearly on par with what can certainly be done to a Remington bolt action (of various models - like the 722, XP-100, 700 S.A., XR-100, Model 7 etc etc etc).
Best of luck with whichever you may choose to go with.
Hold into the wind
Not even a choice. Comparing Rem accuracy potential to Ruger just isn't a fair comparison.

There are exactly ZERO winning Rugers on the planet.

al the number of customs modeled off of the Ruger vs the 700...just think about it.
I shoot a Ruger 77v

I've done really well. Why pay a thousand for an action, when I can come close with a Ruger. I don't have money to piss away. I like machinery more than a competition gun. Work the trigger, by going to Timmney. Change the sear to a Rifle basic. My trigger break at a average of 5oz. Never did anything to the action except lap it. Shooting a 6mm BR. McMillan stock that I borrowed. It was bedded for his Ruger. I haven't changed the bedding. It was a .22-220. Re barreled to a .22-250 Tighter diamention case. Then I went to a 6mm Br Norma, with a Pac-Nor, Lots better.

I'm not a good shot and it doesn't matter what kind of gun I have. Even have a Burris scope 8-32x. The best I ever did was a 249-14x. Dropped that one last point because I choked. I got beat buy a girl. One of Francis' relatives.

You always have to do something to a Remington.
Winchester Model 70

Winchester Model 70............................................................................................!
"You always have to do something to a..........

Remington." UMMmm, Mr. Spencer, did you happen to read ANYthing above that last statement????? :D:D:D Thanks for the info......;)
Biggest problem

I ever had was with a set of Leopold ring. They where so far off, I had to use a Triangle file to bring the scope back to center.
since your looking for a hunting rifle, not a BR rig the ruger will be just fine. i'd personally go with a Mod70 winchester, but if you like the ruger build on it.
If its going to be a build anyway...
find a quality smith talk with him on your wants and expectations, anybody can make a remington shoot, there are more remingtons built into semi custom rifles than rugers, but a good smith can make almost any rifle shoot well.

by the way I prefer remingtons, but have no problems with rugers for hunting or prairie dog guns.

Unless your talking about ruger #3's that's just classy and they shoot GREAT(with a little work)

Travis Campbell
If its going to be a build anyway...
find a quality smith talk with him on your wants and expectations, anybody can make a remington shoot, there are more remingtons built into semi custom rifles than rugers, but a good smith can make almost any rifle shoot well.

by the way I prefer remingtons, but have no problems with rugers for hunting or prairie dog guns.

Unless your talking about ruger #3's that's just classy and they shoot GREAT(with a little work)

Travis Campbell

C'mon Travis, you can't just say that! :) Not on this site.

There is NO WAY to get a #3 to hang with a Rem700 for accuracy. And the implication that a good 'smith can "make any rifle shoot" is misleading. There ARE significant differences when it comes to real repeatable accuracy. I've had 77's and #1's in accurate chamberings that shot pretty good for what they are BUT, they'll never shoot like 700's no matter how much you spend. They can't. And I did spend money on them. And I am a gunsmith. BTW no "good gunsmith" would touch a project set up the way you've stated it..... you're actually setting the guy up for failure and trying to involve a gunsmith too! With the implication that "if it doesn't shoot then your gunsmith screwed up."

Between the angled front seat on the 77 and the barrel hanger on the #3 and without even getting into action flex issues and the the inadequacies of the cast receiver........ you're bucking a stacked deck with the Rugers.

My opinion, based on actually DOING it. I've spent the money and time to actually test this stuff.

I had one custom built from a Ruger. I'll never do it again. The Remington 700 has much more potential. Go Remington.
Its YOUR gun if you like a Ruger 77 ( or a #3) do it . I have had 2 77s and 1 #3 and loved all of them. They all did the job that was expected of them. My son has a 77 in 257 Roberts that shoots fine and does all that we expect it to do.
I rebarrel Ruger 77s.......

.......just to p_ ss off all my buddys that hate them.:D
Ok,,,gun buddy group here in Atlanta [several have machines and build rifles, some of which hold world records [Pearson Precision]. They grimace when I mention Ruger 77s. Would I use one if competing for $$$? heck no. But for an accurate hunting rifle they are enjoyed by me. My Ruger 77 Mark II stainless has a Shilen cm barrel in .250 Savage AI. Spits 100 grain ballistics into well, Lying sized groups! The angled front action screw is a pain but it can be piller bedded. I haven't done it but have seen a couple.
But then I like Mauser full length extractors and not itty bitty finger nail extractors as on the 700s/7s/721/722s.
It makes for a great over dinner discussion,,,unless I'm outnumbered by custom smiths that like 700s. And that is about every time we go out.
I still like the Ruger 77 even with it's short comings.


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.......just to p_ ss off all my buddys that hate them.:D
Ok,,,gun buddy group here in Atlanta [several have machines and build rifles, some of which hold world records [Pearson Precision]. They grimace when I mention Ruger 77s. Would I use one if competing for $$$? heck no. But for an accurate hunting rifle they are enjoyed by me. My Ruger 77 Mark II stainless has a Shilen cm barrel in .250 Savage AI. Spits 100 grain ballistics into well, Lying sized groups! The angled front action screw is a pain but it can be piller bedded. I haven't done it but have seen a couple.
But then I like Mauser full length extractors and not itty bitty finger nail extractors as on the 700s/7s/721/722s.
It makes for a great over dinner discussion,,,unless I'm outnumbered by custom smiths that like 700s. And that is about every time we go out.
I still like the Ruger 77 even with it's short comings.

Yo Allen,

one leeetle itty-bitty thang.........

Those there "fingernail extractors" will flat tear the rim right off a case before they break. A 98 will let go LONG before the 700 and a Ruger the same. Test them. You'll find that the claw type extractor, especially those modified to push-feed, will flex and pop off.


now I'm all het up about "controlled feed' and all that jazz just like the next guy but let's not badmouth something for the wrong reasons!


There is much more to a great gun than the barrel. Simply screwing on a
Br quality barrel may work great in an infested prairie dog town, but at
a registered BR match, be well prepared to donate. I know some
77 ruger target models, that shoot quite well, but they are seriously
limited in what can be done. Triggers in the 5 oz category and not
enough bedding area in the right places are just the tip of the iceberg.
The claw extractor is a great addition to a hunting rifle, but on a BR
gun, they induce pressure to the bolt that is hard to get rid of. I have never seen a set of ruger rings that did not require a full days work, to get them seated properly in the as cast locations on the receiver. trueing a
77 action may actually become impossible.
thansk for insite

I am sticking with my Rem 700 actions.
