Rem 700 Actions



Plan to do a rebuild based on a Rem 700 action ... need to decide which "donor" rifle model to buy ... Is there any (structural / quality) differnce between the 700 action used on the SPS compared with the more expensive Remingtons ...
my experience with an ADL

I used an ADL short action for the basis of a 221 fireball.
first remingtons matte blue finish is a painted or baked on finish. we found this out when we taped the action to glass bed the stock and some of the finish peeled off with the tape.:eek: whoops, i never saw bluing stick to tape before, oh well that stinks so i have to break for a hot bluing job to the barrelled action.
then the bolt was coated with the same material which just dont look appealing to a custom rifle. i had mine polished and jewelled.
however at aprox $600 retail listing it is low enough that the smith could hot blue the action and jewell bolt for less than the retail price of $900 for a BDL. the added effect will be the rifle will look more like a custom as the bluing color and jewelling swirls will not have a factory appearance making it more of a custom rifle. :D
hope this helps, Greg Moyer
700 Actions

Go to a local gun show,pawn shop,or you local trader paper and buy a used 700 with the proper bolt face and save half the price of a new action. If you look and dont get in a hurry you should be able to save a lot of money on this project. And to answer your question,any 700 is a good choice and no there is no mechanical or functional difference between any of them.
Nick Loy
Your choices and your money..

You can get a donor factory action and spend a faire amount of your money fixing the problems. When you finish you have a factory action that has been reworked. Factory actions are made to generic specs and are designed to have one barrel during its life.

You can buy a custom action for a little more that was made right from the get go and when you are finished you still have a custom action. Custom actions are made to be used and used with a number of barrels over their life.

I am tooled up to fix factory actions and do both factory and custom actions. I just hate seeing customers throw good money after bad. Both can be made to shoot. Some folks just want to do things the hard way.

There is a difference in finish and triggers/safety with the new and old 700's.

There is a difference in cheap and high end 700's (new) with trigger and finish.

I would ask you what you plan to use the rifle for before advising you what to buy for an action.
Might just think about using an action like a Stiller Predator. Resale will be better as well and no action work will be required..
Some thoughts

The only reason I would use a Remington action to build a rifle is that I already had one sitting around doing nothing, so it was basically free$$$

If I didn't, then I would be better off with a custom such as a Stiller and so would you.
700 structural/quality

differance in the 700 series is IMHO is polished vs bead blasted/matte finish only from the BDL thru SPS series. I am not yet in the BR game (having 1 built),the Rem actioned rifles that I have had TRUED and Barreled by some top name smiths do shoot better than I :eek: (working on that):D. Having said that the cost of a Rem SPS about $500 (on sale at Dick's sporting goods last week for $459 incl. a cheap 4x12 scope SPS VAR. in 223 or 22-250), the Blueprinting $200 to start and you are allready in the ballpark of a Stiller or Lawton etc.custom action that will fit in a Rem footprinted stock .So if you have a Rem action sitting around use it ,if not buy the custom Stiller, Lawton'll have tighter tolleranes and better RESALE but I can't see why you would ever sell one The wife and kids would go first:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes
Thanks guys...I should have mentioned that I am in Western Canada...and am not aware of any "custom" actions manufactured here... If anybody is aware of a good quality action available in Canada for a reasonable price...let me know.
I'll true your 700 action for $150. This is a great site but you should be on as well.... copy and paste that address into your bar and join up. You need to be a member to view all the threads.

Try Corlane Sporting Goods in Dawson Creek, BC--they carry custom actions that are Rem 700 inlet drop ins

Jim Borden
Thanks guys...I should have mentioned that I am in Western Canada...and am not aware of any "custom" actions manufactured here... If anybody is aware of a good quality action available in Canada for a reasonable price...let me know.

Yes, 700 remington.

what is the purpose of this rifle?
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