Rem. 700 actions



Who can you get Remington 700 receivers from ? The only source I have found is Midway and they only have the short action, I want a long action.
I'm very new at this building my own rifle stuff, so please bear with my stupid questions.

Many Thanks,
Buy the cheapest suitable 700 you can find, remove the barrel and stock and sell them for what ever you can get...
Remington 700


Why buy a Remington 700 donor action that may or may not requiring truing.

You can buy one of many custom clones that are right from the get go for about the same or slightly more that will drop right in a stock designed for a Remington 700 long action.

There are many options available.

Bordon, Stiller, Kelbly, Pierce, Lawton, Surgeon, Phoenix and others.

Paul, this is......


Why buy a Remington 700 donor action that may or may not requiring truing.

You can buy one of many custom clones that are right from the get go for about the same or slightly more that will drop right in a stock designed for a Remington 700 long action.

There are many options available.

Bordon, Stiller, Kelbly, Pierce, Lawton, Surgeon, Phoenix and others.


some good advice.
Purchased a 1970's pristine 700 Rem bdl in 222 last year for $200.00.Sold the stock for $125.00.the barrel for $75.00,the trigger for $30.00 resulting in a free action plus $30.00.
For my own custom builds I hit the pawn shops and gun shows to buy cheap actions then sell the stocks,barrels and triggers on e-bay or, long actions $200-325 short actions $300-400, if you want to save a few $$ try a Savage, you can build like a mounds or almond joy,(with or without a nut)
Many thanks fellas, I guess I should have added that I'm on a budget, and can't spend more than a thousand or so on the whole gun. I've already got a few scopes, so one of them will work.

What do you guys think of Lilja barrels, for just a hunting gun, .270 or .264 Win. mag maybe, I can't make up my mind.
