The 22-250 is known to erode the throat rather badly, especially if overheated in the prairie dog wars. Before making the decision on setting the barrel back, I would get access to a borescope and determine if the long throat is because of factory throating or barrel erosion. It will be very obvious if it is eroded.
Many 22-250's that I have borescoped have shown significant erosion and frosting, but continue to shoot better than you would expect. The general routine is they continue shooting better than expected until one day the just stop shooting, sometimes even keyholing.
If the barrel has never shot well, it would be difficult to determine the cause without eliminating other factors such as bedding, scope and loads. However if everything else has been eliminated, I would not consider that barrel a candidate for setting back and re-chambering. There is nothing magical about an Ackley Improved chamber that will make a bad barrel into a good one.