Rem 513



Can I reduce the trigger pull on the 513 by changing the trigger return spring?
If not, how?
Thanks Steve
That is a single lever (one piece) unit. The trigger is holding the full weight of the firing pin spring. Changing the return spring will only help a very slight amount. You can stone the working edges smoother and perhaps shorten the engagement length on the sear a tad to reduce the distance of the pull ( lessen the creep). Not a job for someone unfamiliar with it. You might want to ask this question over on Rimfire Central in the Remington forum. It is possible to get a pretty clean break at about 3 pounds. I have never heard about any type of after market trigger for these. There are some smithes that can do the work for you.
Contact Brian Voelker, look under ARA or I.R. 50/50 for North Linn Fish and Game for his number and E-mail. He is the Rem 541/513 trigger expert and will do a great job for you.
I would like to say I can do a trigger job on any of my guns, but the Rem 510, 511, 512, 513 series do not have much to work with.