rem 40x



new guy here, just getting stared in rimfire bechrest. I found a like new rem. 40 br with hohn tuner and jewel trigger for sale and was hoping someone could tell me what a good price would be.

Depends on what barrel, stock, and the condition they are in. Action $500-$600, 2 oz. trigger approx $150-$200, tuner approx $75-$150 depending on how set up for weights.
IMO, others may think a differet value but I'm close I think
With out getting real fancy $900-1500, The ads here for them have been avg. closer to $2000+ sometimes including scope.
I agrre with burtona.... we need more info, cause it rests alot on what barrel it wears; who smithed the gun; and how much use has it seen, etc.

A Lilja or Broughton barrel (and simliar bbls, like Shilen) will bring it's value up. So will a decent stock, likethose made by Don Stith, McMillan, Pippen and so on.... if properly bedded.
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I was told it is a factory custom shop gun with s.s. barrel and a green synthetic stock, it was been shot a fair bit but it was winning club matches last season in the unlimited class up again some very good guns. These guys have falcon, hall, and turbo guns. Thanks for everyone's help. By the way asking price on the gun is $1800, I am thinking could be a little high but I can't find another one for sale on gunbroker or gunsamerica to compare to.
Most of those have a faster twist, like 1 in 14 and the green Rem stock does not slide well in bags. For that kind of money I could find you a choice of at least four 40x's with Jewell triggers , Harrell tuners,Benchmark barrels and custom wood stocks all within 30 miles of my house. All have shot multiple 250's on IR 50 targets this summer and the barrels are all less than 6 months old. Several local guys have built new Falcon action guns and are ready to move the 40X's. How many would you like? Some of them will be on tables at the VA State matches this weekend for trial.