


I'm sure this has been asked before. I just purchased my first reloading kit, Lee Deluxe kit, and need some help. I would like to know a good powder and grain to start with. Plus is it better to use the saftey primer or the auto primer?

I will be shooting my .270 with the Sierra 140g SBT using Remington cases(already shot through the gun) or is there another grain bullet to try in the Sierra SBT line. Maybe even a different brand altogether.

I'm not shooting a fancy BR type rifle just my Stevens 200. It already can shoot .75 in groups at 100 yrds. but I know it can, or should say I can do better with handloads I hope. I may want to try some local matches with it soon, if I do well or have fun then I will look into finding a different rifle.

Thanks for the help.
The Lee hand priming tool is one of the best there is, and is very cost-effective for the money.

Now, I'm not gonna tell you anything else, until you can tell me WHY I said that. Did your Lee kit come with a manual? If not, you -really- need to blow a few bucks, and buy one. Or preferably two, so you can double-check them against each other.

These "recipes" can kill you if you screw them up.
Stop right there

before you take your new toy out of the box go buy a reloading manual. I prefer the Hornady, less confusing to me. Read the first half dozen chapters. Reloading is enjoyable enough but blowing a gun up is not fun. This stuff can kill you.

A reloading manual is a must. Do not do anything until you get one that has all the pertinent data on the cartridge you are wanting to reload. I recommend strongly-
load a dummy with no primer and no powder, seat the bullet out as far as you can. Load it into the gun and close the bolt. Then remove it and measure the length of the cartridge, with calipers. From this you can tell the maximum length the cartridges can be before they are dangerous. Your bullets should not touch the rifling.

Like cliffdweller77 said - get a book - Please
I first learned reloading reading Lyman and RCBS manuels. The RCBS reloading dies have very good step by step info, but thats not enough. You need to learn why you are doing what you do and why the order is important. You also need to learn about reading pressure problems before you blow up that pretty gun.

I would recommend reading at least two comprehensive loading manuels and studing them before you drop a single power charge.

Do it safely or not at all. This is serious stuff.
I would recommend reading at least two comprehensive loading manuals and studying them before you drop a single power charge.

Do it safely or not at all. This is serious stuff.

Jim, Of course you are right on. It is a wonder that so many of us are still around.

Tantor, If you have a friend who reloads, get him to help you get started. I have always received good advice and help from Sierra's help line and it does not have to be their bullets.

Concho Bill
I'm gonna jump on the "read a book(s)" bandwagon. Doesn't that kit come with a book? My current favorite is the Lyman 48th.
One hint. On Ebay you can sometimes get a load book that is one edition old for half price or less that will still have all the "intro to reloading" data. Also, as long as the .270 has been around, most of the load receipes would be good.
Reloading is a great hobby but you don't want to try to shortcut the learning curve. Once you've read your book(s), come back and we'll be glad to help you with your set-up and your technique.
One of the tips I've always given new reloaders is to never use a powder that a double load will fit in the case. I'd rather have a load that is a little dirty like Unique for pistols than use fast powders that can get you into trouble with a double charge. Read a good reloading book all the way through before you start. Also remember that reloading at maximum pressures is not worth it in terms of safety, accuracy, wear and tear, and what the bullet is doing at point of impact way down range.

If you have a buddy you wouldn't trust packing your parachute or doing the brakes on you car, don't listen to his reloading advice! :eek: Safety, safety, and then more safety!
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If you have a buddy you wouldn't trust packing your parachute or doing the brakes on you car, don't listen to his reloading advice! :eek: Safety, safety, and then more safety!

Well, that parachute test eliminates all my friends.

The man who helped me get started smoked while loading and never loaded less or more than the maximum in the book for the first load. He was one of the best men I ever knew. The first thing that he did for me was to pour the powder from a case on the ground and light it with a match. He was showing me that it did not explode but just burned. This is not a dangerous hobby if you take care.

My suggestion for a new reloader is to get a good reloading manual and read it carefully and start loading as soon as possible. Load with a powder that almost fills the case with a maximum load and load a couple of grains lighter than the maximum and work up. Accuracy is more important than a few feet per second. If you miss a deer by a quarter of an inch you just missed your deer and probably won't see it again. If you hit the deer with a well placed shot, he won't know the difference in 50 feet per second.

Concho Bill
Heh... Had a favorite gun shop a few years back - the folks who ran it had kids, and kids will get bored... Every so often Bubba would want to make sure that the boomstick he was buying was a "good 'un." So they'd pull a bullet (or cut a shotgun shell), and pop that primer. Yup. It'll go off!

Powder usually went in the trash.

Except every so often, the boys would manage to get it into the ashtray by the guest sofa. It's amazing how well some folks can jump...

Thanks for all of the replies. I just found out I was kinda screwed a week ago. Story: Bought the Lee Deluxe kit from a store in my hometown, Southern IN, got it out to put up today and it is not the right kit for me. I bought it to reload my .270 and this is more a pistol kit unless I want to buy the extras like another die and a different Auto disk powder measure. All together an extra $70. Plus there is no priming tool another $15-20. I would end up spending $200+ for what the Anniversary kit can do for my needs.

Has anyone dealt with Lee that could give some insight of how well customer service is. There web site says they will let you return it for merchandise credit if the store won't. Any sugestions??????
Call Lee, their excellent in service.
You've been given some very good advice. If your Internet savvy you can find allot of info on reloading. If you have any questions don't hesitate to pm or email.
good luck
Tantor, send me your address, and I'll try to find my old "Perfect" powder measure to send to you. They work fine with most powders, and better than most with longer sticks.
Thanks, everyone for the help. Chuck pm will be sent and thanks alot. That is the one that comes with the Anniversary kit and I like the ease of use.
Old Timer,

Nice to see someone else from my hometown on here. You may know the place I bought my kit, Rajo's Guns on the West side.

is a must. Read it. Look for the powder burning rate charts. For your 270, you should look at powders with a burning rate close to H4831, IMR4831, AA3100. There are others, and some go through the measure easier, like the Reloader powders. As has been said, "it ain't exactly rocket science", but you must approach it in an organized, informed, methodical manner. I suggest you PM Oldtimer and pick his brain.
Others here are more than willing to address questions you have as they arise. Just be prudent and thoughtful.
And cain't have too much powder stored up.

Newbie Reloader Here

I took the advice of many experienced hand loaders and got myself a couple of manuals before I ever bought a press. I have loaded thousands of shotshells so safety and the general idea was already there, but the loading manuals cut my learning curve way down.

Plus I didn't blow my head off! :eek:
I live a hour and a half straight up Indiana Hwy 150 out of Louisville. If you want to...bring your loading gear and that .270 up with you and we'll work it out. Bring a video camera and tape the reloading process, etc.. We can shoot out to 600yds off of benches on my farm. If I can be of help, let me know.

Hi. I see this is a little old. But...... Lee is a great company. been using there stuff since 1986. Rifle-pistol same press.
To buy stuff go to and Sinclair. These people are great also.
Ditto for what everyone else wrote.:)