Reloading Components



I noticed that the stores here have finally stocked a full line of reloading components. In 2009 and much of 2010 primers were nonexistent, powder was scarce and bullets were limited. It was triggered by hoarding and panic buying based on claims of a large (500%) excise tax that "big brother" was going to put on components. What happened to the tax? Just another conspiracy theory?
I believe the real reason was the big government contracts For a lot of excotic ammo.
They were loading ammo for Our military and foreign militarys Lake City is federal.{ ATK}
Atk also owns blout CCI
I believe the real reason was the big government contracts

Maybe for primers, but the shortages of powder, bullets and brass were entirely due to hoarding.

What happened to that 500% excise tax that was so strongly touted on the Internet forums?
Maybe for primers, but the shortages of powder, bullets and brass were entirely due to hoarding.

What happened to that 500% excise tax that was so strongly touted on the Internet forums?

And you know this to be Just wondering. I also had heard that it was because of goverment contracts.
I didn't notice much of a shortage of bullets, but primers were scarce as hen's teeth around here or very expensive. Powder was a problem, but some popular powders are always a problem. With the market price of copper and lead I'm amazed that bullet prices aren't higher than they are. I'm not sure what caused the shortages, but worries about the current administration's plans played a large part in it I think.

Guns were also in short supply too because of worries about possible new controls.

I noticed that the stores here have finally stocked a full line of reloading components. In 2009 and much of 2010 primers were nonexistent, powder was scarce and bullets were limited. It was triggered by hoarding and panic buying based on claims of a large (500%) excise tax that "big brother" was going to put on components. What happened to the tax? Just another conspiracy theory?

Died is sub-committee. Also the left wingers tried these:

1. Reclassification of Ammunition and reloading components so that it could not be carried by common shipping means. This was actually being implimented (trying to side step congress), then congress stepped in and reverified the waiver.
2. We all know about the lead bullet fiascal that's still going on.
3. 2500-3000 dollar firearms transfer tax....died before sub-committee tabling it. (Clinton era).
4. Clinton re-routing of funds from hunting taxes to anti-gun organizations. NSSF and NRA discovered this, congress made the organization give back the money they had not yet spent.
5. The pending attempt to have bullets and firing pin tips to have serial numbers.

This is just a few of the many things the lefties have or have tried to pull.

That may be true to some extent but how will the cartidge fire without the primer?
Atk put a real strain on the powder market. Winchester also received a big contract.
Didn't you notice that Winchester primers dried up Too?
Didn't you notice that Winchester primers dried up Too?

Yes I did and the retailers I spoke to in 2009 all told me it wasn't a matter of supply--as soon as they stocked primers the hoarders bought them.
Define "hoarder"

Leading up to the 2008 election there was a huge chatter on Internet forums about a 500% excise tax on reloading components if one presidential candidate was elected. After he was elected, the chatter warned that the tax was imminent. That's when hoarding began.

In this case, the definition of hoarding is simple--buying and storing large quantities to avoid a rumored price increase from a 500% excise tax. Friends of mine who believed the rumors bought a 5 or 6 year supply of components when they could find them.

Rumors=fear=hoarding=scarcity of components.

Do you think there was no hoarding?
After the dry up on federal match primers i started looking at other primers that were available.
I hit powder valleys web site and asked a few questions from other shooters in the know.
They had Wolf brand primers in stock. I gave them a try and got a pleasent surprize.
They were better then expected. Better then the federal primers i was using. My extream spreads went down
to less then 10 ft and the primers held up to some pretty high pressure, while Testing.
They were less $ too. I bought quite a few and shared them with other shooters
It was tough getting components in Canada as you guys were buying everything on the market with not much left for suppliers to bother shipping to Canada with all the export hassle...

I don't think it was hoarding... just a matter of supply and demand... the manufacturers either couldn't make enough for the strong market or underestimated the demand.
Dennis it was multi million dollar contracts from the government. we are still at war, and the civillians come last.
That said rightly so. Our boys come first. We also rearmed Iraq. Two front's are still going.
ATK Federal has recently received another new contract, for ammo. They are running Lake City arsenal.
What I cannot understand are the unfired LC 5.56 cases being offered for sale. I've bought some and they're good cases as good as commercial .223 cases and harder than the Hubs of Hades too. If the military needs brass, primers, powder, etc how is it that there are apparently surplus unfired cases for sale? Obviously I'm not a very smart puppy, but this seems a little bizarre to me.

The cases I bought were headstamped LC 06 and I bought them last year, so maybe Lake City was worried they'd get stale or something.
I thought the leftist cronys in Washington put out an order that all military brass is to be crushed, not re-sold.
large (500%) excise tax that "big brother" was going to put on components. What happened to the tax? Just another conspiracy theory?
"Conspiracy theory" ???
I never even heard that one. I do believe the shortage was due in large part to filling of U.S. military orders.
DOD regulations require the brass to be disposed of , sold at auction. The military Can't use recycled brass.
Federal regulations
The other guy's "hoarding," the other guy's "greed," planning ahead is bad...................... the mantra of the left.

I grew up with stories of ants and grasshoppers, "hoarding" was never cast in a negative light. 'Course "discrimination" was also a good thing back then, it wasn't a sin to have discriminating taste.

And people understood the difference between "equal opportunity" and "equality."

Being a capitalist I have no problem with the laws of supply and demand. Yup, we the people voted for a bunch of whining thuggish sycophants...YUP far-thinking people bought ahead. YUP, I keep some food, fuel and a generator close by in winter and when it gets bad I invite the (insert appropriate nicety here) over for coffee and a warm shower. "Thinking ahead" and "planning for the worst" are weird old-fashoned concepts born from something called a "value system" (my grandmother had it real bad) but they're not inherently 'bad' nor 'evil' no matter how many times we're told that ;)


NOW, the guy I know who bought a container of canned tuna for "Y2K"??????

(that's a 48 FOOT long X8'X8' box for you'se not so far-thinking, 'atsa' lotta' tuna'r!!!)


Yes, the military uses huge quantities of IMR 4350 and needs a lot of 30-30 Winchester brass. NOT!


If the goverment bought 1 million trucks and wanted them all this year. You wouldn't be able to hardly by any other vehicle.....why is that....

Well, I was just gonna leave it with the above statement but I came to realize that some might not get it. Then again...I think I'll just leave it at that.
