Release agent question


Jason Shore

Just a general question
The wife purchased a tin of Kiwi neutral shoe polish today for me to use as a release agent. She said that it was the only tin that she could see that had neutral on it.
On the tin it has the words "Dubblin neutral "
Is this the same stuff that you guys that have used the Kiwi polish used ?
Any imput appreciated
Thanks Jason
No. Dubbin is a waterproofing treatment for leather with a high oily wax content. It won't do the same job as shoe polish.

However, about any good quality floor wax will get by. Then again, about 25 years ago now, I bought a tub of Ceara mold release purpose made for the job & it's still going strong.
Wax is the go


I have never used shoe polish, but I am sure it works fine.

The best you can get is carnauba wax release agent which you can get from a fibreglass shop. This is used to realease things like boats from moulds and it works really well.

I'm still using an old can of Johnson paste wax that I rescued from the trash can 40+yrs. ago. Our old farm house had wood floors which Mom had to get down on her knees to wax, using this can of wax - she tossed it into the trash after we finally got those wood floors carpeted. Can't say that I blame her, but I thought the stuff might be useful for something besides wood floors, so I plucked it out and set it aside. At the rate it's going, I'll be long gone before I use what's left of the stuff as a release agent. I've never used anything else better suited to the purpose, so I'm thankful for the impulse that made me grab it before it went into the burner.
Johnson Paste Wax

Johnson Paste Wax is all I have used now for years. I don't know why anyone would use the liquid stuff Brownell's sells. I'll never use that stuff again.
Osborn Mold Release

I picked up a can of this at Rex Supply. Worked great on a skin job. Osborn PN/76195

Johnson Paste Wax is all I have used now for years. I don't know why anyone would use the liquid stuff Brownell's sells. I'll never use that stuff again.

I've used the Brownell's spray release specifically for Agra Glas with great results. I've use the blue stuff that comes with the kit with good results. What kind of problems did you have?
I've used the spray can release from Brownells for years too. Never any problems. I don't know why would't you want to use something specifically designed for the job.
Like Flatlander

I've got a tin of Johnson's Paste wax that I bought many, many years back and have used it for anything and everything including release agent. I've used it for quite a few rifles and never had any complaints.
Thanks for the replys guys,Returned the dubblin and exchanged for the neutral.I will see how it works.
Much appreciated
Make sure you have all your holes plugged or covered in places you don't want the bedding to ooze in to.
Don't use play dough too much salt. Use modeling clay.
Brownell's spray release

I've used the spray can release from Brownells for years too. Never any problems. I don't know why would't you want to use something specifically designed for the job.

Kind of makes you wonder, doesn't it?
I've used the spray can release from Brownells for years too. Never any problems. I don't know why would't you want to use something specifically designed for the job.

I never said I had problems with the Brownell's product?Quite simply, the Johnson's paste wax is very easy to use, does an excellent job and is inexpensive. There are many times more folks using paste wax, shoe polish and etc. than are using so called release agents. This is an application where a "Specialty Product" is unnecessary just as a specialty product is not required for the bedding material either. I personally use JB Weld and am totally satisfied with the results.
Years back we had a can of some stuff here at work that was a mold release spray. My brother and I tried it and wow, did that stuff work. What used to be a job of getting a heavy gun apart in the arbor press was reduced to being careful the thing didn't fall on the floor when you took the screws out. Actions and bedded parts fell off the stock. Of course, when we went to buy more, we couldn't find the company any the closest product we could get was a telomer spray from MSC. It's not the same thing, but you can use it and it does work nice. If anyone tries it though, be certain to mask whatever you do not want it on because the stuff does not come off. Steel wool and WD-40 seem to remove it after a while. It goes on super thin, (like non existant) but it is milky in color and is quite visible on anything.
Acra Glas spray

I never said I had problems with the Brownell's product?Quite simply, the Johnson's paste wax is very easy to use, does an excellent job and is inexpensive. There are many times more folks using paste wax, shoe polish and etc. than are using so called release agents. This is an application where a "Specialty Product" is unnecessary just as a specialty product is not required for the bedding material either. I personally use JB Weld and am totally satisfied with the results.

Thanx for the clarification as it sounded as though you were bashing them. I agree that if another product is cheaper and works just as well, there is no need for a specialty product.
I use Acra release from Brownells and a friend of mine used Pam Cooking spray. We have both had no problems. I by far am not an expert on bedding an action but I certainly like the idea of being able to get release agent of some type into the chamber area of the action because I'm sloppy and an aresol makes that kinda easy. It is also easy to spay the action screws. When it's all said and done I clean everything up with up with a quaility brand of Brake Clean.
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My daughter who has taught courses in mold building for art at a major university while earning her masters suggested Vaseline as it works well as a mold release agent in molding applications.

I used it and it works great. Should be rubbed thin though.
Johnsons Paste Wax. Also a mix of JPW, vasoline and STP melted together makes an excellent case lube and wipes off real easy. About a third of each.