Dick Grosbier
Club Coordinator
JULY 27th 10:00 AM 200 YARDS IBS 200/300 Yd. National Championship
JULY 28th 9:00 AM 300 YARDS & 2nd Annual Cancer Society Shoot
The IBS 200/300 Nationals are to be fired at TCSC on July 27/28. This is also our Cancer research shoot with proceeds donated to American Cancer society. I already have a list of attendees started but I am sure I have forgotten someone who told me they were coming. So at this time I ask anybody who is planning to come to shoot me an email at dickgrosbier@yahoo.com
Dick Grosbier
JULY 28th 9:00 AM 300 YARDS & 2nd Annual Cancer Society Shoot
The IBS 200/300 Nationals are to be fired at TCSC on July 27/28. This is also our Cancer research shoot with proceeds donated to American Cancer society. I already have a list of attendees started but I am sure I have forgotten someone who told me they were coming. So at this time I ask anybody who is planning to come to shoot me an email at dickgrosbier@yahoo.com
Dick Grosbier