Registration Form for IBS 1000 yard Nationals


Mike W in MN

Attached please find the registration form for the IBS 1000 Yard 2010 Nationals. We're looking forward to seeing you this fall! This will be a 4 target aggregate match in both LG & HG, 8 targets total and hosted by the Gopher Rifle and Revolver Club (GRRC),, in Harris, MN. Sight-in Wednesday September 1, the match will be Thursday, Friday, Saturday September 2, 3, 4. Membership in IBS, NBRSA or Williamsport required, bring your current membership card!

Light Gun postmarked on or before 8/16/2010 $120
Heavy Gun postmarked on or before 8/16/2010 $120
Light and Heavy postmarked before 8/16/2010 $180
Junior LG postmarked before 8/16/2010 $60
Junior HG postmarked before 8/16/2010 $60
Junior LG and HG postmarked before 8/16/2010 $90

The above fees include the Match fees, Friday Night cookout, Pit Labor, MN Sales Tax and the IBS Match Fees. GRRC does reserve the right to reduce the number of targets based on conditions. Your registration must be received on or before Wednesday September 1st. Register before 8/16/09 and receive a free Nationals T-shirt. We do need to the attached registration form and disclaimer completed. After 8/16 the prices go up, we appreciate your early registration!

General questions email Mike Wieland at


  • 2010 IBS 1000 Yard Nationals Registration Form.pdf
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