Reflections on the 2024 Cactus Classic Shoot


Chasin' the Sunset
An idea for helping revive this forum.

Of the approximate 120 shooters at this year's Cactus Classic, would some be willing to post a short write-up here of some of your experiences surrounding that shoot? I suspect many of us who did not attend might be interested in some of the following:

1. Your planning and preparation for the trip, and the shoot;
2. Travel arrangements (e.g., distance, accommodations, who went with you, and length of stay);
3. Your shooting equipment;
4. Loading-area set-up, etc.;
5. Weather conditions;
6. Stuff for sale on-site;
7. Eating and sleeping arrangements, and other non-shooting activities while there;
8. Some of the highlights of your trip; and
9. Whatever else you might want to write about.

Your efforts in sharing will be appreciated by many, far and wide. :)
This thread has been up over a week and not one response? Come on guys, your responses might help promote far-away matches, and even if they don't they will certainly "entertain" other shooters. :)