Redwoods Airgun Club USARB match results for Oct 07, 2017



Weather was very cold and conditions weird with winds coming and wirling around making flags next to each other go opposite directions and then just disappear. looking like no wind but we knew different plus we were guessing the cold plus Sun glare was affecting the guns or the scopes because they were shooting some strange flyers early on. the Temperature finally got up into the low 60's as we were finishing up for a fun but strange day of shooting.

Oct 07, 2017
Relay 1
Dick Strever TBR .177LV 247 14X247 6X247 11X741 31X
Barbara-Rodriguez RAW BM 500 .177LV247 11X240 4X246 11X733 26X
Tony Farcello Styre LG100 .177LV241 6X238 4X243 4X722 17X
Steve Ware RAW TM1000HV245 11X246 10X245 7X736 21X
Relay 2
Steve Ware RAW BM 500 .177LV236 6X248 10X244 7X728 23X
Dick Strever TBR .177HV247 10X244 8X246 9X737 27X
Barbara-Rodriguez RAW TM1000HV244 9X244 12X245 7X733 28X
Tony Farcello FWB-P70 .177HV245 8X237 2X234 3X716 13X
Barbara & I had a great time even though the conditions were challenging. Always a pleasure to shoot in the Redwoods! Thanks for all you do to promote air rifle benchrest!

Steve W.