Redwoods Airgun Club match for June 17, 2017


We were rained out last weekend and rescheduled for today, it was a light overcast and cool day with very mild wind when we started early in the AM, and again as you know very mild almost non-existent winds are a dangerous thing to shoot thinking no wind and i will just shoot down the middle and again we found out just how dangerous. We had a full house with more shooters then benches so son and i had to make a new bench earlier in the week.
As usual when we switched to relay 2 the wind picked up and typically swirled in amongst the trees making some very interesting conditions. i let Russel shoot some magic pellets Kim from Oxnard sent me to test and he (Russel) only had 29 of them for the first target in the 2nd relay & grudgingly shot the rest of the targets with the normal pellets as he had done the first relay, we all had a good day shooting our second match of the 2017 season amongst the Redwoods.

June 17, 2017
Relay 1
Dick Strever Thomas .177LV247 6X245 9X248 13X740 28X
Steve Ware RAW BM 500 .177LV248 14X247 7X243 7X738 27X
Chris Lovitt Mrod .177LV247 7X246 4X242 10X735 21X
Frank Kodl Thomas .177LV243 4X244 6X241 9X728 19X
Barbara Rodriguez RAW TM1000HV242 7X246 8X244 12X732 27X
Tony Farcello FWB-P70 .177HV242 6X239 3X241 8X722 17X
Russel Strever USFT .177OPEN247 7X245 12X248 11X740 30X
Relay 2
Steve Ware RAW BM 500 .177LV248 15X248 9X
245 6X741 30X
Tony Farcello Styre LG100 .177LV236 8X234 2X243 4X703 14X
Dick Strever Thomas .177HV250 11X250 10X249 16X749 37X
Chris Lovitt RAW TM1000HV245 13X242 6X241 6X728 25X
Russel Strever USFT .177OPEN250 19X243 10X248 11X741 40X
Frank Kodl Thomas .177OPEN246 10X245 7X236 6X727 23X

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