Redwoods Airgun Club Aug USARB shoot


participation was low this shoot
but we had a nice day with mild switching winds and less Sun glare
Tony lost 10 points on one of this LV targets by pulling one of my stunts.
he forgot to shoot the very last bull :D

August 13,2016
Relay 1
Dick StreverThomas .177LV250 11X245 5X247 15X742 42X
Tony FarcelloFWB-P70 .177HV245 5X238 6X243 6X726 17X
Relay 2
Tony FarcelloStyre LG100 .177LV241 14X238 5X248 5X727 15X
Dick StreverThomas .177HV249 14X248 10X250 18X746 42X
August 28 Results

Not every one are early risers, mild winds and overcast w/ no Sun glare & cool enuff everyone wore jackets
Tony pulled another of my stunts and forgot air up the RAW & ran out of air 3ed target 2nd relay
i had never shot my Thomas with the electronic trigger and had to try
so shot the HV Thomas in the unlimited class w/ electronic trigger
August 28,2016
Relay 1
Dick StreverThomas .177LV245 6X245 11X249 8X739 25X
Tony FarcelloStyre LG100 .177LV242 5X242 4X242 5X726 14X
Relay 2-
Steve WareRAW BM 500LV247 7X245 6X247 10X739 23X
Barbara RodriguezRAW TM1000HV247 10X244 12X244 11X735 33X
Tony FarcelloRAW TM1000open244 9X241 8X239 5X724 22X
Dick StreverThomas W/ electronic triggerUnlimit247 18X249 12X248 16X744 46X