Redwoods Airgun Club 1st match for 2017


for Results see

May 27, 2017
Relay 1
Dick Strever Thomas .177LV250 12X246 11X245 5X741 28X
Tony Farcello Steyr LG100 .177LV240 7X242 5X248 5X730 17X
Chris Lovitt RAW TM1000Open245 11X244 11X248 7X737 29X
Relay 2
Dick Strever Thomas .177LV244 4X246 7X246 7X736 18X
Tony Farcello Steyr LG100 .177LV241 7X236 2X239 2X716 11X
Chris Lovitt RAW TM1000Open249 9X250 16X248 13X747 38X
We canceled last month and the first match of this month for Rain & because of more Rain we changed to today, and it was a very light drizzle when we started early this AM, and it was forecast for sunny day but stayed overcast all day w/ a very mild almost non-existent wind which as most of you know is a dangerous thing to shoot in thinking no wind just shoot down the middle and we found out just how dangerous.
Approx. around noon when we switched to relay 2 the wind picked up and typically swirled amongst the trees making unpredictable conditions.
only one Grants Pass shooter (Chris) showed and had a fun day shooting our first match of the 2017 season amongst the Redwoods.

next match is scheduled for June 10th
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