Congratulations! You have just purchased one of the finest precision bullet seating dies available. With proper care you should receive years of service and satisfaction from this die.
To get the most from your new competition seating die, please take a few minutes to read the following instructions.
The new REDDING COMPETITION bullet seating die has many unique features that you should become familiar with.
The new patented design has an internal sliding sleeve and bullet seating stem that is totally independent of the micrometer depth stop. This allows the use of extremely tight manufacturing tolerances.
The seating stem is ground to exactly the same diameter as that of precision match quality jacketed bullets. The bullet guiding bore is honed to perfectly match the bullet diameter and seating stem. The fit approximates that of an air bearing, so cleanliness is very important. (See DISASSEMBLY AND CLEANING.) The chamber is cut in the same manner as a match rifle barrel using removable pilot chambering reamers.
It is important to note that the tolerances in this die are so tight that brass from an oversize or otherwise out of spec chamber may be sticky. You may also discover certain lots or brands of jacketed bullets that are oversize at the heel or out of round and may bind in the bullet guide.
In general, if you find components that do not fit properly - do not use them!
This die is not intended for use with cast bullets.
To become more familiar with the operation of this die you will undoubtedly want to take it apart to have a look inside.
Disassembly may be accomplished in the following manner: the entire micrometer may be removed from the die body by grasping the knurled portion of the die body in one hand and the knurled base of the micrometer sleeve in the other. Twist counterclockwise and the micrometer assembly will unscrew from the die body. The return spring, sliding chamber sleeve and seating stem will now slide out of the die body for inspection. Keep all parts clean and free of abrasive dust and residue. If cleaning becomes necessary. simply wipe all sliding parts with a good grade of bore solvent and follow with a light application of quality gun oil. Upon re-assembly. check to be sure that all parts slide freely.
It should not be necessary to further disassemble the micrometer assembly and its screw threads should not be lubricated. The hole in the top of the micrometer barrel is not an oil hole. It provides access to the micrometer "zero"
adjustment set screw. [See MICROMETER ADJUSTMENT AND ZERO.] This set screw should not be lubricated. To do so would adversely affect the tension that maintains its adjustment.
The REDOING COMPETITION seating die may be used in any reloading press with 7/8 . 14 threads. When installing the die in your reloading press it is very important to allow a slight clea •. ance between the shellholder [in its uppermost position] and the threaded die body.
Damage to the die body may result from the shell holder making contact under the forces possible in a reloading press. Under these conditions the die body may eventually become swaged to the point that the internal sliding sleeve no longer functions.
The best set·up procedure is as follows: Place the shellholder and press ram in the uppermost position. Screw the die in place until the th •. eaded die body makes contact with the shell holder. [This will compress the sliding sleeve fully.] Then turn the die body counterclockwise until the micrometer graduations are in front for easy reading. This method will allow from .020 to .070 clearance and protrusion of the sliding chamber sleeve.
Lock the die in this position by means of the 7/8 - 14 lock ring provided.
The micrometer is adjustable for bullet seating depth with each increment equal to .001 ", i.e. each full revolution of the micrometer barrel equals .050.
The micrometer assembly also has a "zero" adjustment feature that you may desire to use for your favorite setting. To adjust the seating depth in relation to any micrometer reading, use the following procedure:
Insert a 3/32 hex key through the hole in the top of the micrometer barrel to engage the hex socket of the internal set screw. This is the set screw that makes contact with the seating stem. Counterclockwise adjustment will decrease the bullet seating depth [increasing overall cartridge length] while clockwise adjustment will seat the bullet deeper without changing the micrometer setting.
To get the most from the precision built into your new REDOING COMPETITION bullet seating die you should become familiar with some of the basic case preparation procedures used by benchrest and other competition shooters.
Uniformity is the secret ingredient.
This subject could consume an entire book. but the point here is that your brass cases must be uniform in thickness a nd temper in order to remain straight through firing, resizing, and bullet seating. At the very least your cases should be segregated by lot and so •. ted fo •. unifo •. mity.
Redding Reloading Equipment 1089 Star •. Road Cortland, NY 13045
Congratulations! Your purchase of the new Redding Competition Bushing Style Neck Sizing Die brings a new level of precision to your handloading through the use of interchangeable neck sizing bushings.
To get the most from your new die. please take a few minutes to read the following instructions.
The new Redding Competition Bushing Style Neck Sizing Die has many unique features that you should become familiar with.
· It features an internal sliding sleeve which supports and aligns your cartridge case with the neck sizing bushing before any of the sizing process begins.
· Interchangeable bushings allow you to precisely choose the proper amount of neck sizing for your circumstances.
· Bushings are available in .001" increments from 17 cal. thru 30 cal.
· The adjustable length decapping rod and micrometer adjustment of the bushing position make it possible to resize any portion of the neck length desired.
· Bushings are available with a Titanium Nitride surface treatment for those who want lubeless neck sizing.
· Optional carbide size button kits are available for those who wish to use a size button to gain additional control of the inside diameter of the neck.
To become more familiar with the operation of this die you will undoubtedly want to take it apart for further inspection.
Disassembly may be accomplished in the following manner. The entire micrometer may be removed from the die body by grasping the knurled portion of the die body in one hand and the knurled base of the micrometer sleeve in the other. Twist counterclockwise and the micrometer assembly will unscrew from the die body. The return spring. sliding chamber sleeve. spring seat and bushing pusher will now slide out of the die body for inspection.
At this point you can remove the spring seat and bushing pusher from the sliding sleeve to insert the sizing bushing of your choice. [See TO DETERMINE BUSHING SIZE)
Upon reassembly. check to be sure that all parts slide freely. Keep all parts clean and free from abrasive dust and residue. If cleaning becomes necessary. simply wipe all sliding parts with a good grade of bore solvent and follow with a light application of quality gun oil.
It should not be necessary to disassemble the micrometer assembly. The hole in the top of the micrometer barrel is not an oil hole. It provides access to the decapping rod adjustment set screw. [See DECAPPING ROD ADJUSTMENT]
The Redding Competition Bushing Style Neck Die may be used in most reloading presses with 7/8·14 threads. When installing the die in your reloading press it is very important to allow a slight clearance between the shellholder and the threaded die body.
Damage to the die body may result from the shell holder making contact under the forces possible in a reloading press. Under these conditions the die body may eventually become swaged to the point that the internal sliding sleeve no longer functions. NOTE: Damage may also result from a micrometer setting that is too low to allow full compression of the internal sliding sleeve (see MICROMETER ADJUSTMENT). If in doubt turn the micrometer counterclockwise two or three turns to insure clearance and proceed.
The best set-up procedure is as follows: Place the shellholder and press ram in the uppermost position. Screw the die in place until the threaded die body makes contact with the shell holder. [This will compress the sliding sleeve fully.) If the sliding sleeve will not compress fully. turn the micrometer counterclockwise until it will. Then turn the die body counterclockwise until the micrometer graduations are in front for easy reading. This method will allow from .020 to .070 clearance and protrusion of the sliding chamber sleeve. Lock the die in this position by means of the 7/8-14 lock ring provided.
A neck sizing bushing must be in place for this adjustment. If the above set-up procedure was followed correctly the micrometer adjustment is now high by a turn or two which would result in sizing part of the neck length.
Place the press ram and shellholder in the uppermost position. No cartridge case should be in the shell holder at this time. You should now adjust the micrometer clockwise until you feel it stop. At this point the sizing bushing is adjusted to its lowest position possible You should now back the micrometer away from the bushing (counterclockwise) a minimum of ,005", This is the minimum amount of clearance that will prevent damage to the die (See SET·UP PROCEDURE).
The above micrometer adjustment is for sizing the entire length of the case neck. If you wish to size only 1/2 or 1/3 of your case neck, turn the micrometer counterclockwise the desired amount. Each turn represents .050" as marked on the micrometer barrel.
After micrometer adjustment, following the above procedure, the decapping rod may require adjustment. The ideal position will remove spent primers, yet not allow the decapping rod to make contact inside the cartridge case.
The easiest method to determine the position of the decapping rod is to compress the sliding sleeve fully and note the protrusion of the decapping pin itself. It should protrude from the die body 1/8" to 3/16" to properly remove spent primers. A good gage is the thickness of two nickels. A simple way to accomplish this with the die out of your reloading press, is to remove the return spring from the die and turn the die upside down to observe the primer pin protrusion.
The decapping rod is retained in position by a set screw accessible through the top of the micrometer barrel. Insert a 3/32" hex key through the hole to engage the hex socket of the set screw. This set screw makes contact with, and secures the decapping rod. Counterclockwise adjustment will loosen' the set screw and allow adjustment of the de capping rod. Each turn of the rod will equal 1 /32". Once the proper adjustment is made, retighten the set screw to secure the adjustment.
Any major change in micrometer setting will require a corresponding re-adjustment of the decapping rod.
To get the most from your new bushing style neck sizing die you should become familiar with the basic case preparation procedures used by benchrest and other competition shooters.
Cartridge case uniformity is the secret ingredient. At the very least you should segregate your cases by manufacturers lot number and sort them for uniformity. It has been demonstrated that cases that are uniform in neck wall thickness, as received from the manufacturer, will remain straighter throughout the reloading, firing and reloading cycle.
You should always visually inspect and clean your cases prior to resizing. The inside of the necks should be cleaned with a case neck brush to remove the abrasive residue.
Sizing bushings are available in Heat Treated Steel and with a Titanium Nitride surface treatment.
The Titanium Nitride bushings are considered lubeless. You will not damage them by use without lubrication.
Our policy, however, is to recommend case lubricant for all neck sizing operations to reduce the stress imparted to the case itself.
The proper bushing size can be determined by measuring the outside neck diameter of your loaded cartridges with a precision micrometer. From this measurement, subtract .001. This allows for brass spring back and will result in proper press fit for the bullet.
If you should have any questions concerning the above procedures, contact:
REDDING RELOADING EGUIPMENT 1 OB9 Starr Road Cortland, NY 13045 Attention: Special Die Services
PHONE: (607J 753-3331 FAX: (607J 756-B445
Body dies are designed to full length resize your cartridge case and correctly bump the shoulder position for proper chamber fit without disturbing the neck diameter. Body dies have no internal parts and are intended to recondition cases which have become difficult to chamber from repeated firing and neck sizing.
All Redding dies are protected in storage and shipment by a rust preventative film which must be removed before use. Clean the inside of the die with a good grade of bore solvent and wipe thoroughly with a clean dry patch.
Your body die will be used in a manner similar to that of a regular full length sizing die, thus proper lubrication is a must. Visually inspect and clean your cases prior to lubrication. Use only a good grade of case lube such as REDDING Case Lube and follow the directions on the package.
Body dies are designed with internal dimensions identical to full length resizing dies with the exception of the neck diameter which approximates your chamber size.
Under normal circumstances the body die is adjusted to make contact with the shellholder. If your chamber is known to be non-standard and has excessive headspace, you should follow the recommended method for adjusting resizing dies for "wildcat" calibers to insure proper resizing and headspace. This information is covered in the instructions for our regular die sets.
If you have any questions concerning the above procedure, contact:
1089 Starr Road
Cortland, N.Y. 13045
Attention: Special Die Services
Hope this helps, it came from a new set of Redding Competition Dies in 6 MM Rem.
Don't let some of the spelling upset you, I scanned the documents to word and that program saw fit to change some letters to what it thought they should be.