Am I the only one that is seeing red X's every where, what's the deal? Dan Honert
Dan H New member Oct 3, 2011 #1 Am I the only one that is seeing red X's every where, what's the deal? Dan Honert
F frwillia Guest Oct 3, 2011 #3 Dan H said: Am I the only one that is seeing red X's every where, what's the deal? Dan Honert Click to expand... U're not alone. Seeing red X's here too, but only on this website. Fitch
Dan H said: Am I the only one that is seeing red X's every where, what's the deal? Dan Honert Click to expand... U're not alone. Seeing red X's here too, but only on this website. Fitch
A Al Nyhus "It'll never work!" Oct 3, 2011 #5 All red 'X''s for me also. I.E. and Firefox...same/same with both. -Al
I IndianaJames Guest Oct 3, 2011 #6 The red X's are all image files that can't be accessed. Sent Wilbur an email a while back. Maybe he or Elmer will find the problem soon...till then, it's just ugly. Jim
The red X's are all image files that can't be accessed. Sent Wilbur an email a while back. Maybe he or Elmer will find the problem soon...till then, it's just ugly. Jim