Recrown advice...


I'd like to ask for advice as to how often(how many rounds) that I should consider having the barrel recrowned. Is there a "general" rule of thumb on this? Barrel(s) in question are 6PPC. Any advice from experienced shooters would be greatly appreciated. Thanking you in advance.....gpoldblue.
No rule of thumb I know of, and with proper care and paying attention it is not really needed very often.

Yes, the throat will go out quicker >>>For Benchrest competitive accuracy<<< ..... This said IF you are cautious when running jags/bronze brushes out of the crown and back in... Some say take the brush off.... Not needed... Just bring the brush back through RIGHT after the brush exits the crown and NOT before!

90 deg crowns are a bit more sensitive to crown damage from cleaning and high velosity/temp burned powder... But not enough to degrade accuracy within 1000 round of competitive Benchrest.
Some shooters "fresh'n up" both their crowns and chambers/throats as often as 300 rounds... If ya got the means... Go for it..
