Reasons for not getting rp,lp?



I haven't tried a right bolt, left port, but it seems a logical configuration for me being right handed. What reasons are there I shouldn't go that route? Any quirks in handling them I might want to know about?
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I like a LP action, being right handed. I agree it's logical and to me is faster, especially with a RE. It's personal preference, but many like the RBRP. Some really don't like the idea of staring down the open action port to the bolt head with a LP.
Seems to me that the RB/RP configurations have lower resale value than the RB/LP/RE.
Only for benchrest shooters. RR is the standard configuration ffor nost shooting,
The RR works well for me being a lefty. The posative part of a rb lp is speed shooting.
If your a speed shooter then RB LP is more then likely for you.
just my opinion.
When shooting benchrest, after you fire, there are two things you have to do before firing again.

1. Reload

2. Require the target.

RBLP (or LBRP) helps with the first. It also requires the use of both hands, so (2) can't happen until (1) is done. With RBRP or LBLP, if you practice, you can do both at the same time.

Your choice.
I wound not dissuade you from the RBLP since it is a logical choice, but I would point out another...LBLP, which would undoubtedly be the worst possible for resale. I say this because of my experience shooting many RBRPs, left handed. They actually work out to be very handy on the bench, for me, more so than a LBLP. Of course the conditions that I normally shoot in are usually more favorable to picking. If I were building a new rifle, I would have to give strong consideration to a drop port. I got to shoot one once, and I was impressed.
Boyd, I guess you don't have your head anywhere near the scope when you reload. I shot a Left-Left once, in a 1-K shootoff. Kept hitting myself in the nose with the bolt handle.
That's the type of info I was wondering about. I've never tried to shoot fast enough I would think of that Lou.

Thanks for the feedback guys.
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For a "right handed" shooter, why not a left hand action? No modifications, easy resale? LB LP. You right hand stays on the stock for control. You're lot doing anything with your left hand anyway? Work the bolt and reload with you "free" left hand?

"Left hand" shooters, right hand RB RP non modified action. Again, easy resale. Work the bolt with your Free right hand while you control the stock with your left? Real comfortable and seems logical to me? Started shooting a left hand action on a "right hand" thumbhole stock and I'am liking it more than my RB RP rigs. JMHO, Mike.
Nor Cal Mikie

See post #7.

You need a very short nose (about which I know nothing) in order to keep the bolt handle from bopping you, always assuming you don't lift your head from the scope. If you do lift your head from the scope, far as shooting fast goes, you have a bigger problem.
I am probably in the minority that has gone from LP to RR.

- Never felt comfortable with that open bolt raceway and port a couple inches from my eye.
- I always had trouble cheating on the flags by looking at my loading either directly or losing some focus on the flags as I loaded (I know,,, ADD)

Agree with Lou on his points. I will also add that I saw Andy Shifflett shoot a group faster than I imagined possible a couple of years ago at the EW,. He shoots RR.
I've thought about the ability to keep my hand on the joystick on the RR versus RB/LP My current thinking, for what it's worth, is that I reacquire the joystick with my left while I'm closing the bolt with my right. In other words, it's doing in parallel so there is no lost time reacquiring the joystick.

Then again, Al Nyus has that great looking RR LV for sale and I owe myself a Christmas present....
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